; gpx.el Package that provides a major mode for viewing [GPX] files. The major mode displays .gpx files in a human readable format. When the major mode is active, the buffer displays various statistics about the file and lists all the tracks/segments found in the file. The displayed information includes total length, time of start/end, average speed, max speed, etc. It also supports drawing the routes found in the file. You can click on a button below a track and it will open a web browser showing that route on a map. You can also display elevation profile for each track. To do that, click on the [Show elevation profile] button below a track, this will insert the elevation profile image below the track. ; Installation You need to install [gpxinfo] program in order to convert the files. Additionally, if you want to be able to draw the routes on a map, you need to install [folium]. In order to display elevation profiles, you need to install [matplotlib] Python library. These dependencies can be installed on Debian-based systems with: sudo apt-get install gpxinfo python3-folium python3-matplotlib You can also install them via pip: pip install gpx-cmd-tools folium matplotlib [GPX]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/GPX [gpxinfo]: https://github.com/tkrajina/gpx-cmd-tools [folium]: https://github.com/python-visualization/folium [matplotlib]: https://matplotlib.org/