*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK COLOURED ENGRAVINGS OF HEATHS; VOL. 1 *** COLOURED ENGRAVINGS OF HEATHS. Coloured Engravings OF HEATHS. THE DRAWINGS TAKEN FROM LIVING PLANTS ONLY. WITH THE APPROPRIATE SPECIFIC CHARACTER, FULL DESCRIPTION, NATIVE PLACE OF GROWTH, AND TIME OF FLOWERING OF EACH; In Latin and English. EACH FIGURE ACCOMPANIED BY ACCURATE DISSECTIONS OF THE SEVERAL PARTS, (MAGNIFIED WHERE NECESSARY,) UPON WHICH THE SPECIFIC DISTINCTION HAS BEEN FOUNDED, ACCORDING TO THE LINNÆAN SYSTEM. THE WHOLE EXECUTED _By H. C. ANDREWS_, BOTANICAL PAINTER, ENGRAVER, &C. VOL. I. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, NO. 5, KNIGHTSBRIDGE. _Printed by T. Bensley, Bolt Court, Fleet Street._ 1802. ADDRESS. In his endeavours to illustrate this brilliant and extended tribe of plants, the author thinks it necessary to premise, by way of deprecating the opinion of the Public on this part of his labours; that, as all his drawings are taken from cultivated plants, some of them may thence appear less picturesque, than if he indulged his fancy in their design; or more fortunately, have enjoyed the opportunity of copying them on the soil where nature has placed them indigenous: But, as the latter never was within his power; he would rather stand convicted of apparent want of taste, in the execution of a work where ornament should give way to science, than be taxed with having varied from a just representation of the plant, as it must meet the eye of the British Botanist. Numerous and beautiful as are the specimens of this Genus, in the splendid herbariums of Sir J. Banks, Bart. P. R. S. &c.; G. Hibbert, Esq.; A. B. Lambert, Esq. &c. &c.; yet, as the dried plant exhibits so very different an appearance, from the living one, in every character necessary for a perfect drawing, but particularly in the blossoms; no advantage can be taken, to ornament, or add to, the present undertaking, from them; unless, by comparison, to determine some species, which have been described by those Botanists who have named them at the Cape of Good Hope. Since, therefore, the original intent of this work, was, (and in its progress we have found no reason to alter the plan,) to give figures of those species of Heaths, only, which are actually cultivated in the different collections of this country: so, whatever may be imputed to want of freedom in the pencil of the artist, it is hoped, will be covered by this reflection; that he has invariably copied nature, though in a formal dress, without assuming the general licence of the painter. In pursuing the Botanical part of the work, he has endeavoured to give the specific names which are in general use in Britain, where the plant is commonly known in our gardens, in preference to any, published by either foreign or English Botanists which have not that character. Where the plant is new with us, but has a published, and received name among Botanists, he has invariably adopted it; but where none could be traced, to the best of his judgment, he has given it, then only, an appropriate title. A few alterations from the original plan, arising from the inundation of new species since the commencement of the work, it will be necessary briefly to state. He had at first arranged the whole of the Genus, then known, from the method given by Linnæus, under two general heads, Bearded and Beardless tips; but, from the numbers now in our possession, which cannot, with any propriety, be placed under either head, he has been induced to alter it; and has formed them, under five of the most ostensible, and general characters of the same parts. Thus, 1st, bearded, where the tips are simple, and awned at the base; 2d, crested when the tips are terminated by a curved like feather; 3d, two-horned, when the termination of the tip is thrown inward, and the parts quite smooth; 4th, beardless, where no protuberant part is seen, the tips of an oblong-form, and fixed by their backs to the threads; 5th, pencilled, where no apparent division, but from colour, is perceiveable in the Chives, which protrude considerably beyond the blossom. For the accommodation of those who wish to know what Synonims are attached to our figures, a statement is given, of those most worthy notice; under the names of the various authors from whence they are collated. These we have confined to six of the most modern; from whose works, if farther research may be thought necessary, a longer list may be obtained. As it is but bare justice to make acknowledgment for favours received; what remains for the author is to mention with gratitude, at least, the persons, from whose kind indulgence in the free use of their collections, he has chiefly drawn his resources. G. HIBBERT, Esq. Clapham Common, Surrey. The Honourable Marquis of BLANDFORD, White Knights, Berkshire. Messrs. LEE and KENNEDY, Nurserymen, Hammersmith, Middlesex. The late Lady ARCHER, Ham Common, Surrey. The Honourable WILLIAM HENRY IRBY, Farnham Royal, Berks. The late J. ROBERTSON, Stockwell, Surrey. J. VERE, Esq. Kensington Gore, Middlesex. ERICA. CLASSIS VIII. ORDO I. _OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA._ CHARACTER GENERICUS. CALYX. _Perianthium_ tetraphyllum; _foliolis_ ovato-oblongis, persistentibus. COROLLA monopetala, campanulata, quadrifida, sæpé ventricosa. STAMINA. _Filamenta_ octo, capillaria, receptaculo inserta. _Antheræ_ apice bifidæ. PISTILLUM. _Germen_ subrotundum, superum. _Stylus_ filiformis, erectus, staminibus longior. _Stigma_ coronulatum, tetragonum, quadrifidum. PERICARPIUM. _Capsula_ subrotunda, calyce minor, tecta, quadrilocularis, quadrivalvis; _dissepimentis_ cum futuris coeuntibus. SEMINA numerosa, minima. Obs. _Dantur species calyee duplice._ Figura Corollæ _ex ovata, tubulosa, ventricosa, et oblonga, in diversis varia est_. Antheræ _in aliis emarginatæ, in aliis bicornutæ, cristatæ, aristatæ, muticæ, vel penicillatæ; inclusa vel exsertæ_. ESSENTIALIS CHARACTER. _Calyx_ tetraphyllus. _Corolla_ quadrifida. _Filamenta_ receptaculo inserta. _Antheræ_ bifidæ. _Capsula_ quadri-locularis. _Dissepimenta_ valvularum margine. HEATH. CLASS VIII. ORDER I. Eight Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. EMPALEMENT. _Cup_ four-leaved; _leaflets_ between egg-shaped and oblong, remaining. BLOSSOM one petal, bell-shaped, four-cleft, often bellied. CHIVES. _Threads_ eight, hair-like, inserted into the receptacle. _Tips_ two-cleft at the end. POINTAL. _Seed-bud_ roundish, above. _Shaft_ thread-shaped, upright, longer than the chives. _Summit_ crowned, four-cornered, four-cleft. SEED-VESSEL. _Capsule_ roundish, less than the cup, covered, four-celled, four-valved; _partitions_ meeting with the sutures. SEEDS numerous, very small. Obs. _There are some species with a double cup._ The figure of the blossom _as to egg-shape, tubular, bellied and oblong, differs in different species_. The Tips _in some are notched at the end, in others two-horned, crested, bearded, beardless, or pencilled; within the blossom, or without_. ESSENTIAL CHARACTER. _Cup_ four-leaved. _Blossom_ four-cleft. _Threads_ inserted into the receptacle. _Tips_ two-cleft. _Capsule_ four-celled. _Partitions_ from the edge of the valves. ERICA aitonia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris basis bicornibus, inclusis; corollis longissimis, viscosis, sulcatis, sesquipollicaribus, laciniis maximis, cordatis; foliis ternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS, rami, ramulique filiformes, flexibiles; rami simplices, longi. FOLIA terna, apice patentia, serrata, acuminata, crassa, subtus sulcata. FLORES terminales, umbellati, terni, erecti, pedunculi longissimi, purpurei, bracteis tribus, coloratis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, crassis, viscosis, apicibus obtusis, extra concavis. COROLLA sesquipollicaris, sulcata, linearia, summa inflata, ore arctata; laciniis cordatis, maximis, expansis; extra dilute carnea, intus albida. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, torta; antheræ basi bicornes, apice cornutæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen oblongum, sulcatum; stylus rectus, filiformis exsertus, purpureus; stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Julii, in Octobrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, whose tips have two horns at their base, and within the blossoms, which are extremely long, clammy, furrowed, of an inch and a half in length, the segments large, and heart-shaped; the leaves grow by fours. DESCRIPTION. The STEM, as well as the larger and smaller branches, are thread-shaped, and supple; the branches are simple, and long. The LEAVES grow by threes, spreading out at the end, sawed, sharp-pointed, thick and furrowed underneath. The FLOWERS grow at the summit of the branches, three in a bunch, and upright; the foot-stalks are very long, and purple, having three coloured floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are spathula-shaped, thick, clammy, blunt at their ends, and hollow, without. The BLOSSOM is an inch and a half long, channelled, and linear, swelled at the end, and narrowed at the mouth; the segments of the border are very large, and expanded; of a light flesh colour on the outside, white within. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads twirled; tips two horned at their base, the points horned, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel oblong, and furrowed; the shaft straight, thread-shaped, purple, and without the blossom; summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July, till October. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA albens. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis ventricosis, axillaribus, solitariis, sub-albidis; foliis ternis, trigonis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis, erectus, ramosus, gracilis; rami simplices. FOLIA terna, trigona, linearia, acuta, glabra, subtus tenuissime sulcata, erecta; petiolis adpressis. FLORES in axillis foliorum solitarii, cernui, sub-albicantes; pedunculis curvatis, albidis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis coloratis, acuminatis, adpressis. COBOLLA ventricosa, ore arctata; limbo quadrilobo, laciniis æqualibus, acuminatis, revolutis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, curvata, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, glabrum. Stylus linearis, curvatus, sub-exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. 6. Capsula. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossoms, which are swelled at the lower part, growing singly at the base of the leaves, and whitish; the leaves grow by threes, and are three-sided. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows a foot high, upright, branching, and slender; the branches are simple. LEAVES grow by threes, are three-sided, linear, sharp-pointed, smooth, slightly furrowed on the under part, and upright; the foot-stalks are pressed to the stem. The FLOWERS grow from the bottom of the foot-stalks of the leaves, singly, are bent downward, and whitish; the foot-stalks are curved, and whitish. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are coloured, sharp-pointed, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM swelled at the lower part, and straitened at the mouth; the border is four-lobed; segments equal, pointed, and rolled back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, which are bent, and fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped, and smooth. Shaft linear, curved, and just without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. 6. The Capsule. [Illustration] ERICA ampullacea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris basi bicornibus, inclusis; foliis quaternis, retortis; floribus viscosis, umbellatis, ampullaceis, striatis, sub-sesquipollicaribus. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus; rami flexuosi, filiformes. FOLIA quaterna, trigona, ciliata, retorta, mucronata, supra plana, subtus sulcata; petioli brevissimi, adpressi. FLORES umbellati, sæpe quatuor, viscosi, terminales; pedunculi longi, bracteis tribus spathulatis instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, margine ciliatis, viscosis, adpressis. COROLLA basi inflata, apice attenuata, longitudinaliter striata, sub-sesquipollicaria, ore arctata, saturate purpurea; laciniis ovatis, expansis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ inclusæ, bifidæ, basi bicornes. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum. Stylus exsertus, filiformis. Stigma tetragonum, virescens. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Julii ad Octobrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum lente auctum. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 6. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with tips two-horned at their base, within the blossom; the leaves grow by fours, and are rolled back; the flowers are clammy, grow in bunches, are flask-shaped, striped, and nearly an inch and a half long. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows about a foot high, and branching; the branches are crooked, and thread-shaped. LEAVES grow by fours, are three-sided, fringed, rolled back, sharp-pointed, smooth on the upper, and furrowed on the under surface; with short footstalks, pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow in bunches, mostly of four, are clammy, and terminate the branches; the fruit-stalks are long, having three spathula-shaped floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are spathula-shaped, fringed at the edges, clammy, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM swelled at the base, and tapering to the top, striped longitudinally, nearly an inch and a half long, straightened at the mouth, which is of a deep purple; the segments egg-shaped, and spreading. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; tips within the blossom, are cleft in two, and two-horned at their base. POINTAL. Seed-vessel club-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft without the blossom, and thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered, and green. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from the month of July till October. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 6. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA baccans. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, inclusis; folia quaterna, rigida, glauca; corollis globosis, umbellatis calycibusque purpureis, DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis, ramosissimus; rami rigidi, erecti, torti. FOLIA quaterna, glauca, incurvata, subtus sulcata, rigida, serrulata. FLORES terminales, plerumque quatuor, umbellati, nutantes; pedunculi longi, purpurei, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, carinatis, adpressis. COROLLA globosa purpurea, ima quadrata; limbo quadrilobo, laciniis æqualibus, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheraæ cristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen globosum, magnum, sulcatum; stylus subexsertus, pyramidatus; stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Aprilis, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla, 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum et Germen lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with crested tips, within the blossom; the leaves grow by fours, are harsh, and of a whitish green; the flowers are globular, in bunches, and are, as well as their cups, purple. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high, and very branching; the branches are harsh, upright, and twisted. LEAVES grow by fours, are of a whitish green, and bent inwards, furrowed beneath, harsh, and slightly sawed at the edge. FLOWERS grow at the ends of the branches, mostly by fours, in bunches, and nodding; the foot-stalks are long and purple, having three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, keeled, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM globular, purple, and squared at the base; the border four-lobed, the segments of which are upright, and equal. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the receptacle. The tips crested, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel globular, large, and furrowed; the shaft nearly without the blossom, tapering from the base; the summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Pointal and Seed-vessel magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Banksia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, attenuata in filamenta plana; corolla cylindrica, viridi-lutea; caulis decumbens, sub-spithamæus; folia terna. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS decumbens, rigidus, scaber, sub-spithamæus, ramosissimus; ramulis brevibus. FOLIA terna, subulata, trigona, acuminata, subtus tenuissime sulcata, supra plana, glabra, profundé viridia; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in ultimis ramulis, bini vel terni, cernui; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis nullis. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, _exterius_ triphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis, rigidis, carinatis, acuminatis; _interius_ tetraphyllum, foliolis flaccidis, linearibus, longioribus. COROLLA cylindrica, ad basin parum inflata, viridi-lutea, oris laciniis revolutis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo linearia, plana, corolla multoties longiora, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, nec filamentis distinguendis. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-ovatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Februarii, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla, 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, whose tips are beardless, without the blossom, and tapering into threads, which are flat; the blossom is cylindrical, of a greenish yellow; the stem droops, is scarce a span high; the leaves grow by threes. DESCRIPTION. STEM drooping, harsh, rough, less than a span in height, and very much branched; the smaller branches are short. The LEAVES grow by threes, are awl-shaped, three-sided, and sharp-pointed, slightly channelled on the under part, smooth on the upper, and flat, of a deep green colour, having short foot-stalks pressed to the stem. FLOWERS grow by twos or threes at the end of the smaller branches, hanging down; the foot-stalks are very short, without any floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup double, the _outer_ three-leaved, which are of a broad egg-shape, harsh, keeled, and sharp pointed; the _inner_ is four-leaved, longer than the former, linear, and limber. The BLOSSOM is cylindrical, slightly swelled at the base, of a greenish-yellow; the segments of the mouth are rolled back. CHIVES. Eight linear, flat threads, much longer than the blossom, fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, without the blossom, and not to be distinguished from the threads. POINTAL. Seed-vessel nearly oval. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from February, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Bruniades. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis, floribus terminalibus, sessilibus, sub-ternis; corollis albidis, urceolatis, tectis calyce lanato; calycis foliolis ovatis, carneis; foliis ternis, linearibus, obtusis, margine revolutis, pilosis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS filiformis, sub-erectus, glaber, flexuosus; rami filiformes, villosi, ramuli capillares, frequentes, tomentosi. FOLIA terna, linearia, obtusa; seniora, reflexa, juniora patentia, margine pilis longis hirta. FLORES in extremis ramulis terminales, sessiles, sub-terni; bracteis tribus, minutis, adpressis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, concavis, exterioribus totis densissime albo-lanatis, interioribus carneis. COROLLA urceolata, pubescens, alba, tota tecta calyce lanato; oris laciniis patentibus, obtusis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheris muticis, exsertis, atris. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, pubescentem, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus paulo longior. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Februarii in Junium. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum, lente auctum. 2. Calyx. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Corolla. 5. Corolla, aucta. 6. Stamina, et Pistillum. 7. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 8. Stamen unum, auctum. 9. Pistillum, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossom, flowers terminating the smaller branches, nearly without foot-stalks, mostly by threes; blossoms white, pitcher-shaped, and covered by a woolly cup; the leaflets of the cup are egg-shaped, and flesh-coloured; the leaves grow by threes, are linear, blunt, rolled back at the edge, and hairy. DESCRIPTION. STEM thread-shaped, nearly upright, smooth, and growing zig-zag; the branches are thread-shaped, and hairy; the smaller branches are hair-like, numerous, and downy. LEAVES grow by threes, are linear, and blunt, the older ones are bent back, the younger ones spreading out, the edge covered with long hairs. FLOWERS grow at the extremity of the younger branches, sitting close, and mostly by threes; three small floral leaves, pressed to the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are egg-shaped, concave, on their outsides covered with a thick white wool, and on their insides flesh coloured. BLOSSOM pitcher-shaped, downy, white, and covered totally by a woolly cup; the segments of the mouth are spread out, and blunt. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, without the blossom, and black. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shape, downy, and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, a little longer than the chives. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from February, till June. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Blossom. 5. The Blossom, magnified. 6. The Chives, and Pointal. 7. The Chives, detached from the Pointal. 8. A Chive, magnified. 9. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA caffra. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis, stylo exserto; corollis campanulatis, albidis; floribus umbellatis, secundis, cernuis, odoratissimis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, scabridis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fructicosus, pedalis, rami et ramuli erecti, cinereo-tomentosi, rigidi. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, obtusa, subciliata, scabrida, patentia; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in ramis supremis racemosi, secundi, cernui, umbellati; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus minutis instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis acuminatis, brevissimis, glabris, adpressis, COROLLA campanulata, minuta, odoratissima, alba; laciniis erectis, apicibus parum reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, apice curvata. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-globosum, sulcatum. Stylus exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Octobris, in Februarium. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum, lente auctum. 2. Calyx, et Corolla. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina, lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossom; the shaft without; the blossoms bell-shaped and white; flowers grow in bunches, pointing all one way, nodding and very sweet; leaves grow by fours, linear and rough. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, growing a foot high, the larger and smaller branches grow upright, of an ash colour, downy and harsh. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, obtuse, a little hairy, roughish and spreading; with very short foot-stalks, pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow on the upper branches in loose spikes, pointing one way, nodding and in bunches; the foot-stalks very short, having three small floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are tapered, very short, smooth and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM, bell-shaped, small, sweet-scented, and white; the segments upright, with the points a little bent outwards. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, curved at the end. Tips bearded, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly globular and furrowed. Shaft without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from October, till February. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives, magnified. 5. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA calycina. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, inclusis; foliis ternis; rami filiformes; corollis minutis, urceoli-formes; calycis foliola corolla longiora; pedunculis longissimis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS filiformis, spithameus, erectus, ramosissimus. FOLIA terna, lanceolata, supra concava, adpressa, glabra; petiolis brevissimis. FLORES plures, in ultimis ramulis terminales, umbellati; pedunculis carneis, longissimis, bracteis tribus coloratis instructis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis, carneis, corolla longiora. COROLLA minuta, urceoli-formis, apice dilute carnea, ad basi virescens; oris laciniis reflexis, saturate carneis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-globosum. Stylus sub-exsertus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Septembri, in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Corolla. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 6. Stylus, et Stigma lente, aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with crested tips, within the blossom; the leaves grow by threes; the branches are thread-shaped, the blossoms small and pitcher-shaped; the leaves of the cup are longer than the flower, the foot-stalks very long. DESCRIPTION. STEM thread-shaped, grows half a foot high, upright, and very much branched. The LEAVES grow by threes, are lance-shaped, concave on the upper surface, pressed to the stem, and smooth, having very short foot-stalks. The FLOWERS are numerous, and terminate the smaller branches in bunches; the foot-stalks are very long, flesh coloured, with three coloured floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are of a broad oval form, flesh coloured, and longer than the blossom. The BLOSSOM is small, of a pitcher-shape, light flesh colour at the end, greenish at the base; the segments of the mouth are bent back, and deep flesh coloured. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; the tips crested, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel nearly globular; the shaft thread-shaped, partly out of the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from September, till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 6. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA campanulata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; floribus solitariis, cernuis; calycibus coloratis; corollis globoso-campanulatis, luteis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, angustissimis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis, erectus, filiformis; rami et ramuli filiformes, virgati, glabri. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, angusta, glabra, erecta; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES terminales, subsolitarii, cernui; pedunculi colorati, bracteis tribus, coloratis, subulatis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acuminatis, concavis, adpressis, coloratis. COROLLA globoso-campanulata, lutea; laciniis semi-ovatis, subreflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria, incurvata. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-globosum. Stylus columnaris. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Junii, in Augustum. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Corolla. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Anthera una, aucta. 6. Pistillum, lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom; flowers grow singly, hanging down; cups coloured; blossoms globularly bell-shaped, and yellow; leaves grow by fours, are linear, and very narrow. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows a foot high, upright, and thread-shaped; the greater and smaller branches are thread-shaped, twiggy, and smooth. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, narrow, smooth, and upright; very short foot-stalks, pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow mostly solitary, at the end of the smaller branches, hanging down; the foot-stalks are coloured, having three awl-shaped, coloured floral leaves on them. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, concave, pressed to the blossom, and coloured. BLOSSOM, globularly bell-shaped, and yellow; the segments half egg-shaped, and a little reflexed. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, curved inwards. Tips beardless, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly globe-shaped. Shaft pillar-shaped. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from June, till August. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. A Tip, magnified. 6. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA capitata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, sub-inclusis; corollis globosis, albidis, tomentosis, tectis calyce magno, hispido, colorato; foliis ternis, pilosis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, laxus, filiformis, fuseus; rami filiformes, villosi; ramuli capillares, frequentes, tomentosi. FOLIA terna, linearia, obtusa, dorso sulcata, pilis longis hirta; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in extremis ramulis terminales bini, vel terni, cernuo-patenti; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus, minutis, adpressis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, concavis, incurvatis maximis, totis densissime hirtis, adpressis, luteo-viridis. COROLLA sub-globosa, alba, lanata, in sinu calycis fere recondita. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ sub-inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen subrotundum, apice pilosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Julii, in Octobrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Corolla. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 6. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, just within the blossoms, which are globular, white and downy, being covered with a large, hairy, coloured cup; leaves grow by threes, and are hairy. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, weak, thread-shaped, and brown; branches thread-shaped, and hairy; small branches like hairs, numerous, and downy. LEAVES grow by threes, linear, blunt, furrowed at the back, and covered with long, harsh hairs; foot-stalks very short, and pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow at the extremity of the smaller branches, by twos or threes, spreading out, and nodding; foot-stalks very short, having three small floral leaves, which are pressed to the blossom. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are egg-shaped, concave, turned inwards, very large, quite covered with strong hairs, pressed to the blossoms, and of a yellow-green. BLOSSOM nearly globular, white and woolly, almost hid within the cup. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, and nearly within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly round, and hairy at the end. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from the month of July, till October. REFERENCE. 1. Empalement, and Blossom. 2. A Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one Tip magnified. 6. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA cerinthoides. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis tubulato-ventricosis, læte sanguineis, fasciculatis, hispidis; foliis quaternis, rigidis, ciliatis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS flexibilis, erectus, cinereus, sesquipedalis; rami pauci, erecti, raro ramulosi. FOLIA quaterna, ciliata, oblonga, convexa, subtus sulco exerata, petiolis brevibus, adpressis. FLORES magni, sessiles, aggesti in capitulum, cernui, pedunculi hispidi, bracteis tribus foliis similibus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, hispidis, foliis similibus. COROLLA, tubulato-ventricosa, læte sanguinea, hirsuta, ore obsolete quadrifida; pollicaria. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen cylindricum, hirsutum. Stylus filiformis, sub-exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Aprilem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossoms, which are of an inflated tubular shape, of a rich blood colour, hairy, and bundled together; the leaves grow by fours, are harsh, and lashed. DESCRIPTION. STEM grows upright, pliant, ash-coloured, and a foot and a half high; the branches are few, and upright, seldom branching. The LEAVES grow by fours, are lashed, oblong, rounded on the upper surface, and deeply furrowed on the under side, with short foot-stalks, pressed to the stems. The FLOWERS are large, growing in close bunches, fixed altogether at the end of the branches, bending downward; the foot-stalks are hairy, having three floral leaves, similar to the other leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are lance-shaped, hairy, and like the other leaves. BLOSSOM, of an inflated tubular form, hairy, and of a rich red or blood colour, the mouth slightly cut into four segments; an inch long. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel cylinder shape, and hairy. Style thread-shaped, nearly without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till April. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA cernua. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, inclusis; floribus umbellatis, cernuis, secundis, sub-ovatis, pallide-carneis; foliis quaternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, pedalis; rami sub-simplices, erecto-patenti. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, obtusa, subtus sulcata, sub-scabrida; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in apice ramorem umbellati, cernui; pedunculi longi, colorati, bracteis tribus, linearibus, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis minutis, subulatis, ciliatis, coloratis. COROLLA sub-ovata, pallide-carnea; laciniis limbi acuminatis, sub-erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria apice introrsum declinata. Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, fulcatum. Stylus cylindricus, sub-inclusus. Stigma obsolete tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 4. Germen, Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with crested tips, within the blossom; the flowers grow in bunches, nodding, all pointing one way, nearly egg-shaped, and of a pale flesh colour; leaves growing by fours. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, and grows a foot high; the branches are almost simple, upright, and spreading. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, blunt, channelled beneath, and roughish; having very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow in bunches, at the end of the branches, nodding; the foot-stalks are long and coloured, with three linear floral-leaves on them. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are small, awl-shaped, fringed, and coloured. BLOSSOM, nearly egg-shaped, of a pale flesh-colour; the segments of the border tapered, and nearly upright. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, bent downward on the inner side. Tips crested, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped, and channelled. Shaft cylindrical just within the blossom. Summit obscurely four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 4. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, magnified. [Illustration] A SHORT DISSERTATION, &c. Antecedent to the year 1772, the few species of this, now so numerous Genus, known in our British gardens, were, the E. vulgaris, E. Tetralix, E. cineria and E. vagans natives; the E. Dabœcii, from Ireland; the E. arborea introduced in 1748, from Madeira; the E. herbacea or carnea in 1763, from Switzerland; the E. mediterranea in 1765, from Minorca, and the E. scoparia, E. viridi-purpurea, E. australis, E. ciliaris and E. umbellata, from Portugal, between the years 1768 and 1707. The two other European species we possess, the E. stricta and E. multiflora, natives of Spain, have been but twelve years in cultivation with us. Of the African species, found within the district of the Cape of Good Hope and the adjacent territory, which have swelled the Genus to so great an extent; and which, but as an echo to the general voice, may be said to contribute, by the extreme brilliancy of the flowers of these species, more than any other, to the present splendor of our green-houses, were unknown, till the above æra, to our English botanists, but by name. In the year 1771 seeds of two species were received, at the Hammersmith nursery, from the Cape, both of them vegetated; the first which flowered, proving the E. tubiflora, of the Sp. Plant. of Linnæus; the other, from the resemblance it bears to the Spruce Fir, was then named E. abietina; but since, altered in the Kew catalogue, to E. concinna. Two years subsequent, 1774, Mr. Francis Masson, botanical collector to His Majesty at the Cape, laid the foundation for the celebrity of that superb collection at Kew, which for many years, with unrivalled lustre, far outshone all others, particularly by the number and variety of this most beautiful tribe of plants: for which we refer to the second Vol. of the catalogue of that garden; where the E. curviflora, E. lutea, E. cruenta, E. persoluta, E. baccans, E. marifolia, E. abietina, E. corifolia, E. paniculata, E. empetrifolia, E. spumosa, E. capitata, E. conspicua, E. cerinthoides, E. viscaria, E. Plukenetii, E. Petiveri, and E. petiolata, are all stated to have been of that year’s introduction. From this period, till within these few years, the accession was so rapid, that it would be difficult, nay nearly impracticable, to ascertain the precise date when most of the remaining species were introduced; as many different collectors were about this time, or shortly after, producing in their collections new species to which they each claimed the honour of priority of introduction; the enumeration of these, therefore, in succession would be but a list of names, and in no way illustrate the present subject. It will be nothing relevant to our purpose, to know how many Ericas were enumerated by Petiver, Plukenet, Hermann, Oldenland, Ray, &c. &c.; as, before Linnæus had, by his mode of classification, determined the precise limits of the Genus, the confusion that then pervaded all the elder Botanists is such, that any comment from them, would rather perplex, than elucidate. Wherefore, beginning with the Systema Naturæ of Linnæus, Vol. II. of 1767, including the European species, he there enumerates but 42; and Dahlgren, in 1770, edited a dissertation, under his eye, on the genus, containing a catalogue of 58 names from Bergius, the Mantissa, &c. Thunberg returning from Africa in 1772, added 13 to the number; all of which were inserted in the Supplementum Plantarum of 1781. From this last work, and some other sources, Murray has, in his Syst. Veg. of 1784, made up a Catalogue of 74 names. The last to be noticed, till the appearance of the Hort. Kew. is, the Dissertatio de Erica; published under the inspection of Thunberg, in 1785, with a list and descriptions of 91 species. In the year 1789, a Catalogue of the plants cultivated in the Royal Gardens at Kew, was published by Mr. Aiton; where, 41 Heaths are to be found in the 2d Vol.; and four in the addenda at the end of the 3d, making in all 45. Martyn in his Edition of Miller’s Dictionary, fasciculus of 1795, article Erica, enumerates but 84. Willdenow, collating from all the foregoing, and assisted by his friend Wendland, of the Royal Gardens at Herenhausen, Hanover; has mounted the list to 137, in his Species Plantarum, now publishing in continuation at Berlin. This, however, as will appear by the catalogue, falls far short of the number, we have now, in actual cultivation in Britain. From the great number of beautiful specimens lately received by G. Hibbert, Esq. many of which were accompanied by seeds, now living plants, contributing to the present richness of the extensive and superb Collection of that Gentleman at Clapham, and brought from the Cape of Good Hope by Mr. Niven, who was employed for the only purpose, of amassing the vegetable treasures of that country, to enrich the Clapham gardens, and herbarium; as well as, from the numberless importations, by different hands, of seeds, since we have been in possession of that territory; a fair conjecture may be made, that the Genus is not bounded, by double the number of species with which we are at present acquainted. Few, if any, of the species but have been increased by cuttings; which has occasioned the total disuse of propagation by layers; wherefore, the only methods we shall treat of, is this, and from the seed. The process for the making, and planting of the cuttings, is as follows. Let a middle sized pot be prepared by filling it, within three inches of the margin, with small broken potsherds, or some such matter; to the end that, a constant and ready drain may be gained for the water, which it will be necessary to give the cuttings, at any time the earth, &c. shall appear dry on the surface. Then consulting the list given with Volume 1st, take a sufficient quantity of sandy loam, sandy peat, or common sand, or a mixture of any of them finely sifted, to fill the pot up to the margin, and press it lightly with the hand; thus prepared it is fit to receive the cuttings. These must be taken about an inch long, or shorter, according to the nature and season of the plants making their fresh branches, from the smallest and tenderest shoots; cutting off the leaves from two-thirds of their length close to the shoot; for which a pair of small scissars is the most convenient. When a few are thus made ready, for not many should be cut at a time, lest they wither before they can be planted, with a small piece of wood, tapered to a point, dibble them into the pot; fixing the lower end of the cutting as firm as possible. When the pot has been thus filled with them, at about half an inch distance each way, leaving a clear half inch from the inner edge; cover them with a small bell-glass, procured as near as possible to fit within its inner rim, then place it under a large hand-glass, or frame, where it must be kept from the stronger rays of the sun, until the cuttings are rooted. Some time after this has taken place, which will be known by their growth, the small bell-glass must be first removed; about a week after, the pot may be taken from under the large hand-glass, and the plants exposed to the open air, in the shade of a north wall, or in winter put in the shady part of the green-house, to protect them from the sun and wind, till they are removed into separate pots. The seeds of some species, which ripen in this country, as well as those which may be procured from the Cape, may be sown about the middle of March, in pots, prepared in the same way as directed for cuttings; with this exception, that the earth be invariably sandy peat finely sifted; the seeds should be covered so slightly, that they may be but just concealed; when covered, they must be watered with a watering-pot whose rose, or head should admit of a passage for the water, only as a light dew; lest the seeds be all thrown together, or washed over the side of the pot. Both plants from cuttings, and seedlings, may be removed with greater safety whilst quite young, than after they have acquired a considerable size. The smallest pots that can be procured, are the best for the first transplanting; in which they should remain, till the pots are quite filled with roots. The earth in which all Heaths thrive most is a soft, loose, sandy peat. That nothing may be wanting, which we can contribute, to the illustration of the Genus; a list is subjoined, communicated by Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, of all those species cultivated by them at their nursery, Hammersmith; unquestionably, the most extensive collection, of living plants, of every denomination, now in Europe. ERICA coccinea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, sub-inclusis, stylus exsertus; flores in sumitate ramorem, verticillati, clavati, curvati, coccinei; foliola calycis acuta; foliis senis, incurvis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, cinereo-fuscus, pedalis; rami verticillati, erecto-patentes, raro ramulosi. FOLIA sena, incurvata, acuta, glabra, sub-glauca; petiolis adpressis. FLORES in summite ramorum verticillati, conserti, brevissime pedunculati, bracteæ calyciformes. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, marginibus membranaceis, acutis, carinatis. COROLLA curvata, elevata, pubescens, sanguinea; oris laciniis erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, longitudine tubi. Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, just within the blossom, shaft without; the flowers grow at the end of branches in whorls, club-shaped, curved, and of a scarlet colour; the leaves of the cup are sharp-pointed; the leaves grow by sixes, and are turned inwards. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, of a brownish ash-colour, growing a foot high; branches grow in whorls, upright, and spreading, seldom branching. LEAVES grow by sixes, turned inwards, sharp-pointed, smooth, and of a bluish green; the leaf-stems pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow in close whorls at the top of the branches; the foot-stalks very short, the floral leaves appearing like a second cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are awl-shaped, skinny at the edges, sharp-pointed, and keel-shaped. BLOSSOM curved, club-shaped, downy, and of a blood colour; the segments of the mouth are upright. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, the length of the tube. Tips beardless, and just within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA conspicua. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris basi bicornibus, exsertis; corollis clavatis, sesquipollicaribus, luteis; foliis quaternis, glabris, obtusis, crassis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, tripedalis, ramosus; ramulis verticillatis, brevibus. FOLIA quaterna, obtusa, linearia, crassa; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in apicibus ramulorum terminales, nutantes, pedunculis brevibus, bracteis tribus spathulatis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis obtusis, glabris, sub-ovatis. COROLLA clavata, sesquipollicaris, lutea, basi attenuata; oris laciniis magnis, revolutis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta; antheris bifidis, basi bicornibus, exsertis. PISTILLUM. Germen cylindricum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Junii in Augustum. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with tips two-horned at their base, and without the blossom: the blossoms are club-shaped, an inch and a half long, yellow: the leaves grow by fours, are smooth, blunt, and thick. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, grows three feet high, and branching: the smaller branches are short, and grow in whorls. LEAVES grow by fours, are blunt, linear, thick, and have short foot-stalks pressed to the branches. FLOWERS are terminal at the summit of the smaller branches, waving, having short foot-stalks, with three spathula-shaped floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved: leaves blunt, smooth, and nearly egg-shaped. BLOSSOM club-shaped, an inch and a half long, yellow, and tapering to the base: the segments of the mouth are large, and rolled back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed to the receptacle: the tips are cleft, two-horned at their base, and without the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel cylinder-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from June till August. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA coronata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis; corollis cylindrico-clavatis, speciosissimis; foliis octonis seu spiraliter sparsis, truncatis, arcuatis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, bipedalis, basi simplicissimus, rami pauci, simplices, longi. FOLIA octona, linearia, obtusa, supra scabra, subtus sulcata, attenuata in petiolos longos capillares. FLORES plures, subterminales, simpliciter verticillati, conserti, viscosi; pedunculi longi recurvati, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, viscosis, adpressis. COROLLA cylindrico-clavata, pollicaria, apice recurvata, ima parte profunde carnea, apice viridie, ore arctata, laciniis rectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; receptaculo inserta. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, subexsertus. Stigma peltatum, concavum, viride. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a Februarii, in Aprilem. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum, cum petiolo. 2. Calyx, et Corolla. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 6. Stylus, et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossoms, which are cylindrically club-shaped and very shewy; the leaves grow by eights or spirally scattered, appear cut off at the ends and arched. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, erect, grows two feet high, simple at the base, with but few branches, which are simple, and long. LEAVES grow by eights, are linear, blunt, rough on their upper, and furrowed on their under surface, tapering into long hair-like foot-stalks. The FLOWERS are numerous, nearly terminating the branches, in simple whorls, crowded together, and clammy; the foot-stalks are long, bent backward, with three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets lance-shaped, clammy, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM cylindrically club-shaped, an inch long, bent back at the point, the lower part of a strong flesh colour, the end green, compressed at the mouth, whose segments are straight. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the receptacle. Tips bearded, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel club-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, almost without the blossom. Summit shield-shaped, concave, and green. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from February, till April. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf, with its foot-stalk. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 6. The Shaft, and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA costata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; stylo exserto; corollis sub-cylindraceis, incarnatis, costatis; foliis pubescentibus, ternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus ramosus; ramuli frequentissimi. FOLIA caulina, terna, recta, linearia, obtusa, pubescentia; folia ramea, erectiora, ovata, sub-serrata, acuminata; petiolis adpressis. FLORES plures, tres, quatuorve ramuli terminates; pedunculi brevissimi. CALYX. Perianthium duplex; _interius_, tetraphyllum, foliolis sub-ovatis, acuminatis, serratis, coloratis, apice sulcatis, adpressis; _exterius_ triphyllum, priori brevioribus, virescentibus. COROLLA sub-cylindracea, apice paulula curvata, incarnata, costata; oris laciniis erectis, albidis, obtusis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, ima parte spathulata, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ inclusæ, muticæ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-cylindricum, sulcatum. Stylus attenuatus, exsertus, apice curvatus. Stigma tetragonum virescens. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a Februarii, in Junium. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum, lente auctum. 2. Calyx, et Corolla. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamen unum, lente auctum. 6. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom; pointal without; blossoms nearly cylindrical, flesh-coloured, and ribbed; leaves downy, growing by threes. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows two feet high, upright, and branching; the smaller branches are numerous. The LEAVES of the stem grow by threes, straight out, linear, blunt, and downy; those on the smaller branches, more upright, egg-shaped, a little sawed at the edges, and sharp pointed; the foot-stalks pressed to the branches. The FLOWERS are numerous, growing by threes, or fours, at the end of the smaller branches; foot-stalks very short. EMPALEMENT. Cup double; the _inner_ four-leaved; leaves almost egg-shaped, pointed, sawed, coloured, furrowed at the point, and pressed to the blossom; the _outer_ three-leaved, shorter than the former, and greenish. BLOSSOM nearly cylindrical, curved a little at the end, of a flesh colour, and ribbed; the segments of the mouth are upright, white and blunt. CHIVES. Eight threads, spathula-shaped at the base, and fixed into the receptacle. Tips within the blossom, and beardless. POINTAL. Seed-vessel almost cylinder-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft tapered, without the blossom, and curved at the end. Summit four-cornered, and green. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from February, till June. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. One Chive, magnified. 6. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA cruenta. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, sub-inclusis, foliis quaternis, corollis sub-ternis, glabris, clavato-cylindricis, pollicaribus; saturate sanguineis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus; rami erecti, ramulosi; ramulis brevissimis, frequentissimis. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, glabra, nitida, saturate viridia, petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in ramulis terminales, prope caulis summitatem, racemum quali formantes longum; pedunculi longi, bracteis tribus ad basin instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, serratis, adpressis. COROLLA clavato-cylindrica, glabra, cruenta, pollicaris; oris laciniis rectis, obtusis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta; antheræ aristatæ, sub-inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-ovatum, sulcatum, pubescens; stylus exsertus; stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, whose tips are bearded, and just within the blossom; the leaves grow by fours, the flowers mostly by threes, and are smooth, cylindrically club-shaped, an inch long, and of a deep blood colour. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows two feet high, and upright; the branches grow upright, having many smaller branches, which are thick set, and very short. The LEAVES grow by fours, are linear, smooth, shining, and of a deep green, having very short foot-stalks, pressed to the stem. The FLOWERS terminate the shorter branches near the summit of the stem, forming as it were a long bunch; the foot-stalks are long, having three floral leaves at their base. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are lance-shaped, sawed, and pressed to the blossom. The BLOSSOM is cylindrically club-shaped, smooth, blood colour, and an inch long; the segments of the mouth are obtuse, and straight. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle; the tips are bearded, and just within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel nearly egg-shaped, furrowed, and downy; Shaft without the blossom; Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till December. REFERENCE. 1. Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA cubica. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris basi bicornibus, sub-inclusis; stylus longissimus; corollis sub-campanulatis, purureis, oris laciniis patulis, maximis, ovatis; foliis sub-quaternis, obtusis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, teres, ramosus, fruticosus, pedalis; rami et ramuli filiformes, laxi, erecti. FOLIA quaterna, sæpe quina, obtusa, reflexa, apice incurvata, glabra, nitida, subtus sulcata; petiolis rubris, adpressis. FLORES sub-terminales, umbellati, cernui; pedunculi longissimi, angulati, purpurei, foliolis binis, coloratis instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acuminatis, adpressis, apicibus viridis. COROLLA globoso-campanulata, purpurea, limbo maximo, expanso; laciniis ovatis, concavis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, longitudine tubi, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ bifidæ, ad basin bicornutæ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-globosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus, corolla duplo longior, purpureus. Stigma concavum, marginatum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with tips two-horned at the base, nearly within the blossoms; shaft very long; blossoms almost bell-shaped, and purple, having the segments of the mouth spreading, very large, and egg-shaped; leaves growing mostly by fours, and blunt ended. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, cylindrical, branching, shrubby, growing a foot high; the larger and smaller branches are thread-shaped, weak, and upright. LEAVES grow by fours, often by fives, blunt ended, bent back, and turned inward at the point; smooth, shining, and channelled beneath; foot-stalks red, and pressed to the stem. The FLOWERS grow near the summits of the branches, in bunches, hanging down; having very long foot-stalks, angled, purple, and two small, coloured leaves on them. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are egg-shaped, tapered, and pressed to the blossom, the points green. BLOSSOM globularly bell-shaped and purple, the border very large and spreading; the segments egg-shaped and concave. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, the length of the tube, fixed into the receptacle. Tips two-cleft, and two-horned at the base. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly globular. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom, twice its length, and purple. Summit concave, and bordered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA curviflora. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, sub-exsertis; corollis curvatis, clavato cylindricis, pubescentibus, terminalibus, luteo-aurantiis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, glabris. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, bipedalis; laxus, superne villosus; rami laxi, ramulosi, ramulis brevissimis, frequentissimis, sparsis. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, obtusa, glabra, subtus sulcata. FLORES terminales in ramulis, patenti, racemum longum formantes; pedunculi brevissimi, foliolis tribus, adpressis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, acuminatis, glabris, adpressis. COROLLA curvata, clavata, pollicaris, pubescentia, luteo-aurantia; oris laciniis expansis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, curvata, longitudine tubi. Antheræ muticæ. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, curvatus, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Julii, in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, just without the blossoms, which are curved, cylindrically club-shaped, downy, terminating the branches, and of a yellow gold colour; the leaves grow by fours, are linear, and smooth. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows two feet high, weak, and hairy at the top; branches weak and numerous; the smaller branches are very short, numerous, and scattered. LEAVES grow by fours, are linear, blunt, smooth, and furrowed underneath. FLOWERS terminate the smaller branches, spreading out, and forming a long spike; foot-stalks very short, with three small leaves pressed to the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are awl-shaped, tapering, smooth, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM curved, club-shaped, an inch long, downy, and of a yellow gold colour; the segments of the mouth spread outward. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, which are curved, and the length of the blossom. Tips beardless. POINTAL. Seed-bud club-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, curved, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July, till November. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA discolor. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis; stylo exserto; corollis tubulosis, subcylindraceis; foliis ternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, tripedalis, teres, erectus, gracilis, superne pubescens, ramulis subsimplicibus. FOLIA terna, linearia, erecto-patentia, supra plana, subtus revoluta, nitida, saturate viridia. FLORES plerumque tres, subcernui, ramei, terminales, prope caulis summitatem. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, _interius_ tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, erectis, luteo-virentibus: _exterius_ triphyllum, foliolis brevioribus priori incumbentibus. COROLLA tubulosa, subcylindracea, ima parte, carnea, pallida, summa, flavo-virescente, limbo quadrilobo, æquali erectiusculo. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ oblongiusculæ, bipartitæ, inclusæ, aristatæ. PISTILLUM. Germen oblongum. Stylus filiformis, corolla longior, apice inflexo. Stigma subtetragonum, virescens. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a Novembri in Aprilem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips within the blossom; the pointal standing out; the blossom tubular, nearly cylindrical; leaves growing by threes. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows to three feet high, cylindrical, upright, slender, downy at the top, the branches seldom divided. LEAVES growing by threes, linear, between upright and spreading, smooth on the upper, and rolled back on the under, surface, shining and dark green. FLOWERS are commonly three together, bending a little downward, terminating the branches near the upper part of the stem. EMPALEMENT. Cup double, the _inner_ four-leaved, ovate, erect, and of a greenish yellow: the _outer_ three-leaved, the leaves shorter than the former, and lying on them. BLOSSOM tubular, nearly cylindrical, of a light flesh colour at the base, and yellowish green at the mouth, which is divided into four equal nearly erect segments. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle. Tips nearly oblong, divided, bearded, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel oblong. Shaft thread-shaped, longer than the blossom, the point bending. The Summit nearly four-cornered, and greenish. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Time of flowering from November till April. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement with the Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA droseroides. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, inclusis; corolla ventricosa, ore obliqua, purpurea; pedunculis coloratis, longissimis; foliis alternis, sparsis, obtusis, pilis glandulosis micantibus hirtis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, spithameus; rami et ramuli filiformes, sparsi, erecto-patentes, virgati. FOLIA alterna, sparsa, linearia, obtusa, apice reflexa, pilis glandulosis hirta. FLORES terminales, sub-umbellati, sub-erecti; pedunculi filiformes, foliis duplo longiores; bracteæ minutæ, coloratæ. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis sub-ovatis, viscosis, acuminatis, coloratis, apicibus reflexis. COROLLA ventricosa, purpurea, costata, pubescens, ore obliqua, arctata, profunde sanguinea; laciniis cordatis, expansis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, torta, receptaculo inserta; antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, purpureus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Julii ad Octobrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with crested tips, within the blossom, which is big-bellied, oblique-mouthed, and purple; the foot-stalks are coloured, and very long; leaves grow alternate, scattered, blunt, and thick with shining glandular hairs. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, about a span high; the larger and smaller branches are thread-shaped, scattered, upright, spreading, and twiggy. LEAVES grow alternate, scattered, linear, blunt, the end bent back, and thick with glandular hairs. FLOWERS are terminal, nearly in bunches, almost upright; the foot-stalks are thread-shaped, and twice as long as the leaves; the floral leaves are small, and coloured. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved; leaves nearly egg-shaped, clammy, pointed, coloured, and bent outward at the top. BLOSSOM big-bellied, purple, ribbed, and downy, with the mouth oblique, narrowed, and of a deep blood colour; the segments are heart-shaped, and spreading. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, which are twisted, and fixed into the receptacle; the tips are crested, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel club-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, and purple. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from the month of July till October. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA exsurgens. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis; foliis quaternis, mucronatis, apicibus reflexis; corollis clavato-cylindraceis, verticillatis, aurantiis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis et ultra, erectus, basi simplicissimus; rami verticillati, simplices, erecti. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, glabra, apice reflexa, mucronata, supra plana, subtus sulcata, unguicularia, petiolis adpressis. FLORES in medio ramorum verticillati, recti; verticilli alter alteri exsurgentes; pedunculi longi, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, acuminatis, carinatis, viscosis, adpressis. COROLLA clavato-cylindrica, pollicaria, aurantia; ore limbo quadrilobo revoluto, laciniis superioribus longioribus. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, magnæ, exsertæ. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus longior. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Septembris, in Martium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossom; leaves grow by fours, are sharp pointed, and bent back at the point; the blossoms are cylindrically club-shaped, grow in whorls, and orange coloured. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, rather more than a foot high, upright, and simple at the base; the branches grow in whorls, are simple and upright. The LEAVES grow by fours, are linear, smooth, bent downward at the point, which is sharp, smooth on the upper, and furrowed on the under surface, half an inch long, with the footstalks pressed to the branches. The FLOWERS grow in whorls about the middle of the branches, straight out; the whorls rise out of each other in succession; the foot-stalks are long, having three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets lance-shaped, tapered, keel-shaped, clammy, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM, cylindrically club-shaped, an inch long and orange coloured; the segments of the mouth are four, which are rolled back, the upper longer than the lower ones. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, very large, and without the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel club-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, and longer than the chives. Summit, four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from September, till March. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA flexuosa. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis, rubris; corollis minutis, albidis, sub-campanulatis; bractæ albæ, calyciformes; rami flexuosi; foliis ternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticus, pedalis vel paulo ultra, inserne nudus, erectus; rami flexuosi, virgati; ramuli brevissimi, sub-terni. FOLIA terna, linearia, glabra, acuta, subtus sulcata; petiolis adpressis. FLORES in ultimis ramulis terminates, subterni; pedunculi albo-tomentosi, bracteæ albidæ, juxta basin calycis sitæ. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acuminatis, concavis, albidis, adpressis. COROLLA minuta, sub-campanulata, albida, glabra; oris laciniis adpressis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria apice incurvata. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, rubræ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-rotundum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma peltatum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 6. Germen, Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, red, and without the blossoms, which are small, white, almost bell-shaped; the floral leaves are white, and resemble the cup; the branches grow zig-zag; the leaves grow by threes. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows rather more than a foot high, naked beneath, and upright; the branches grow zig-zagged, and twiggy; the smaller branches are short, and grow mostly by threes. The LEAVES grow by threes, are linear and smooth, sharp, furrowed underneath; the foot-stalks pressed to the stem. The FLOWERS terminate the ends of the smaller branches, mostly by threes; the foot-stalks are of a downy white; the floral leaves are white, and placed close to the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are egg-shaped, pointed, concave, white, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM small, nearly bell-shaped, white, and smooth; the segments of the mouth are pressed to the threads. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, bent inwards at the end. Tips are red, beardless, and without the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel nearly round, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit shield-shaped. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 6. The Seed-vessel, Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA glauca. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, inclusis; floribus umbellatis, terminalibus, livide-purpureis; pedunculis longissimis; bracteis ovatis, maximis; folia terna, linearia, carnosa, glauca. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, fragilis, sesquipedalis; rami erecti, subsimplices, longi. FOLIA terna, linearia, acuta, patentia, sulcata, glabra, carnosa, glauca; petiolis adpressis. FLORES terminales, umbellati, nutantes; pedunculi longissimi, colorati, bracteis ternis, coloratis, ovatis, concavis instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, coloratis, reflexis. COROLLA subconica, atro-purpurea, ore arctata; laciniis reflexis, acuminatis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ cristatæ, ad basin gibbæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen subglobosum, sulcatum. Stylus inclusus, cylindricus. Stigma peltatum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Maii, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 5. Stamen unum lente auctum. 6. Germen, Stylus, et Stigma; Stigma lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with crested tips, within the blossoms, which grow in bunches, at the end of the branches, and are of a livid purple colour; the foot-stalks very long; the floral leaves are egg-shaped, and very large; leaves grow by threes, are linear, fleshy, and of a sea-green colour. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, brittle, grows a foot and a half high; the branches grow upright, with few smaller branches, and long. LEAVES grow by threes, are linear, pointed, spreading, furrowed, smooth, fleshy, and of a sea-green colour; the foot-stalks pressed to the stem. FLOWERS terminate the branches in bunches, and grow nodding; the foot-stalks are very long, and coloured, having three coloured, egg-shaped, concave, floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are egg-shaped, coloured, and reflexed. BLOSSOM, nearly conical, of a dark purple, narrowed at the mouth; the segments reflexed, and tapered. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle. Tips crested, gouty at the base, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly globular, and furrowed. Shaft within the blossom, and cylinder-shaped. Summit shield-shaped. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from May, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 5. A Chive, magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit; the Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA glutinosa. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis glutinosissimis, verticillatis, confertis, melinis, pollicaribus; foliis senis, micantibus. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS bipedalis, erectus. Rami simplices, longi, raro ramulosi. FOLIA sena, linearia, nitida, acuminata, glabra, læviter sulcata, patentia; petiolis adpressis. FLORES in apicibus ramorum, verticillato-conferti, horizontales; pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus calyci adpressis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, viscosis, adpressis. COROLLA cylindrica, pollicaria, pallido-lutea, glutinosissima, nitida, oris laciniis parum reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum, apice pilosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Septembri in Martium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossoms, which are extremely clammy, in whorls, pressed together, of a straw colour, and an inch long; leaves by sixes, shining. DESCRIPTION. STEM two feet high, and upright. Large branches simple, long, and seldom branching. LEAVES by sixes, linear, shining, pointed, smooth, slightly furrowed, and spreading. Foot-stalks pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow at the summit of the branches, pressed together in whorls, and horizontal; foot-stalks short, having three floral leaves pressed to the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, with spear-shaped clammy leaflets, pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM cylindrical, an inch long, of a pale yellow, very clammy, shining, with the segments of the mouth slightly reflexed. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. The tips beardless, within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel turban-shaped, furrowed, and hairy at the top. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from September till March. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA grandiflora. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, cohærentibus, valdè corollam excedentibus; floribus verticillatis, horizontalibus; corollis clavatis, aurantiis, sesquipollicaribus, glabris; foliis sub-quaternis, patentibus. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, tripedalis et ultra, strictissimus; rami simplicissimi, erecti, verticillati. FOLIA quaterna, levitèr sulcata, rigida, recta, sub-pollicaria, petiolis laxis. FLORES ex axillis foliorum sub-apice ramorum verticillati; pedunculi brevi, bracteis tribus, subulatis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, adpressis, glabris. COROLLA clavata, sesquipollicaris, parum curvata, glabra, aurantia; laciniis æqualibus, suberectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, apice incurvata. Antheris muticis, bifidis, lateribus cohærentibus, longè exsertis. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus paulo longior. Stigma apice concavum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Maii, in Septembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum, auctum. 4. Pistillum, et Germen, Stigma diductum et lente auctum. 5. Germen, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, sticking together, and protruding considerably beyond the blossom; flowers grow in whorls horizontally; blossoms club-shaped, orange coloured, an inch and half long, and smooth; leaves grow mostly by fours, spreading. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, grows three feet high or more, and very stiff; branches very simple, upright, and grow in whorls. LEAVES grow by fours, are slightly furrowed, harsh, straight, near an inch long, with loose foot-stalks. FLOWERS grow from the foot-stalks of the leaves, close to the stem, near the summit of the branches, in whorls; foot-stalks short, having three awl-shaped floral leaves on them. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awl-shaped, pressed to the blossom, and smooth. BLOSSOM club-shaped, an inch and a half long, a little curved, smooth, and orange colour; the segments equal, nearly upright. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, curved inwards at the end. Tips beardless, two-cleft, adhering together by the sides, a great way out of the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud club-shaped, furrowed, and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, a little longer than the chives. Summit concave at the top. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from May, till September. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement. 3. The Chives, and Pointal, magnified. 4. The Pointal, and Seed-bud, the Summit separate, magnified. 5. The Seed-bud, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA imbricata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis; corollis urceolatis; calycibus duplicatis, viscosis, imbricatis, coloratis, corollam sub-æquantibus; foliis ternis, lævibus, truncatis, linearibus. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, spithamæus; rami et ramuli frequentissimi, foliosi, erecti. FOLIA terna, linearia, recta, truncata, plana, lævia, petiolis brevissimis adpressis. FLORES in ramulis terminales, sub-terni, umbellati, cernui; pedunculis longitudine calycis. CALYX. Perianthium duplicatum, adpressum, imbricatum: foliolis ovatis, viscosis, incarnatis. COROLLA urceolata, apice incarnata, laciniis obtusis, minutis, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, incurvata. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ. PISTILLUM. Germen subrotundum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine staminum. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Julii in Octobrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Corolla et Stamina. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Stylus et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips without the blossoms, which are pitcher-shaped; cup double, clammy, tiled, coloured, and almost the length of the blossoms; leaves grow by threes, even, appearing cut off at the point, and linear. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, a span high; the larger and smaller branches are numerous, covered with leaves, and upright. LEAVES grow by threes, straight out, appearing cut off at the point, flat, even, and having their footstalks pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow in bunches, generally three together, at the ends of the smaller branches, hanging downward; footstalks the length of the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup double, pressed to the blossom, tiled: the leaves are egg-shaped, clammy, and flesh-coloured. BLOSSOM pitcher-shaped, flesh-coloured at the mouth, which has its segments blunt, small, and upright. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, bent inwards. Tips beardless, and without the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly round. Shaft thread-shaped, the length of the chives. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July till October. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Blossom and Chives. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA incarnata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, subinclusis; corollis subovatis, carneis; pedunculis longissimis, coloratis; foliis quaternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS suberectus, pedalis ramosissimus, rami, et ramuli, flexuosi, divaricato patente. FOLIA quaterna, obtusa, linearia, glabra, subtus sulcata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES terminales, racemum densé formantes; pedunculi longissimi, purpurei, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, carinatis, acuminatis. COROLLA subovata, cernua, carnea, ore contracto, lævissime quadrisido, laciniis erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ cristatæ, sub-inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen subrotundum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Julii, in Octobrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with crested tips, nearly within the blossoms, which are almost egg-shaped, and flesh-coloured; the foot-stalks are very long, and coloured; the leaves grow by fours. DESCRIPTION. STEM nearly upright, a foot high, and very much branched; the larger and smaller branches grow zigzag, and spread outward. LEAVES grow by fours, are blunt, linear, smooth, and furrowed underneath; with short foot-stalks pressed to the branches. The FLOWERS grow at the end of the smaller branches, forming a close bunch; the foot-stalks are very long, and purple, having three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are egg-shaped, keeled, and pointed. BLOSSOM nearly egg-shaped, bending downward, and flesh-coloured, the mouth contracted, but slightly cut into four upright segments. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle. Tips crested, nearly within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel nearly round. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July, till October. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA jasminiflora. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris basi bicornibus, inclusis; stylo exserto; corollis ampullaceis, sesquipollicaribus, laciniis cordatis, patentibus; floribus subternis; foliis ternis, trigonis, subulatis, patenti-erectis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS filiformis, erectus; rami simplicissimi, filiformes, longi, patenti. FOLIA terna, trigona, acuta, subulata, margine serrata, basi adpressa, apicem versus patula, sexfariam imbricata. FLORES terminales, sub-terni, horizontales, umbellati; pedunculi purpurei, bracteis tribus, ovatis, coloratis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, viscosis, purpureis. COROLLA viscosa, sesquipollicaris, summa cylindracea, ad basin inflata, ore arctata; laciniis expansis, sub-ovatis, maximis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ basi bicornes, apice acuminatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen ovatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Julii, in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum, lente auctum. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Calyx, et Corolla. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una, lente aucta. 6. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH with tips two horned at the base and within the blossom, the shaft without; blossoms flask-shaped, an inch and a half long, the segments heart-shaped and spreading; flowers growing by threes mostly; leaves grow by threes, are three-sided, awl-shaped, upright and spreading. DESCRIPTION. STEM thread-shaped and upright; the branches are quite simple, thread shaped, long, and spreading. LEAVES grow by threes, are three-sided, sharp, awl-shaped, sawed at the edge, pressed to the stem at the base, spreading towards the end, and forming six angles. FLOWERS terminate the branches generally by threes, grow horizontal, and in bunches; the foot-stalks are purple, having three oval, coloured floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are egg-shaped, clammy, and purple. BLOSSOM, clammy, an inch and a half long, the upper part cylindrical, swelled at the base, and pinched in at the mouth; the segments spreading, nearly egg-shaped and very large. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips two horned at the base, tapered to the points and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud egg-shaped and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July, till November. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Empalement, and Blossom. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 6. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA lateralis. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA antheris cristatis, inclulis; corolla purpurea, urceolato-campanulata, ad basin plana; pedunculis longissimis; floribus umbellatis, ternminalibus, fecundis, cernuis; foliis quaternis, obtusis, glaberrimis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, pedalis; rami sub-simplices, virgati, filiformes. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, obtusa, sub-trigona, crassiuscula, brevissime petiolata, petiolis adpressis. FLORES ad apices ramorum ramulorumque umbellati, cernui, secundi, purpurei; pedunculi florum triplo longitudine colorati, bracteis tribus minutis instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis minutis, adpressis, ciliatis, subulatis. COROLLA sub-campanulata ad basin plana, purpurea; laciniis limbi obtusis, suberectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria, apice incurvata. Antheras cristatæ, atro-purpureæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus staminibus longior, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum, virescens. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Augusti, in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Corolla. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 6. Pistillum, lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH with crested tips, within the blossom; which is purple, between bell and pitcher-shaped, flat at the base; foot-stalks very long; flowers grow in umbels at the end of the branches, point all one way and hang down; leaves grow by fours, are blunt and very smooth. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, grows a foot high; branches nearly simple, twiggy and thread-shaped. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, blunt, almost three-sided, thickish, very short foot-stalks, which are pressed to the stem. FLOWERS grow in umbels, at the end of the larger and smaller branches, nodding, all pointing one way, and are purple; foot-stalks thrice the length of the flowers, coloured, and three small floral leaves upon them. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets small, pressed to the blossom, fringed and awl-shaped. BLOSSOM approaching to bell-shape; the lower part flat, and purple; the segments of the border are blunt and rather upright CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, turned inwards at the upper part. Tips crested, deep purple, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped, furrowed, glandular at the base. Shaft longer than the chives, without the blossom. Summit four-cornered and greenish. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Blossom. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one Tip magnified. 6. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Leea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, sub-inclusis; corollis costatis, quadratis, sub-pollicaribus, luteo-aurantiis; quatuor quinqueve pedalis; foliis senis, maximis, rigidis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS laxus, erectus, scaber, quatuor vel quinque pedalis; rami laxi, simplices, longi. FOLIA sena, rigida, obtusa, subtus sulcata, linearia, crassa, petiolis adpressis. FLORES in ramulis mediis verticillati, spicam formantes, pedunculis brevibus, bracteis tribus ad basin calycis instructis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, concavis, longitudine pedunculi. COROLLA sub-pollicaris, quadrata, costata, luteo-aurantia, laciniis dentatis, reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta; antheræ muticæ, subinclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen cylindricum, sulcatum; stylus filiformis, exsertus; stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Augusti in Januarium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucti. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossoms, which are ribbed, four-sided, not quite an inch long, and of a yellowish-orange colour; grows four or five feet high; the leaves grow by sixes, are large, and stiff. DESCRIPTION. STEM supple, upright and rough, four or five feet high; the branches are loose, simple and long. LEAVES grow by sixes, are harsh, blunt, furrowed underneath, linear, and thick, having the foot-stalks pressed to the stem. FLOWERS grow in whorls, about the middle of the smaller branches, forming a spike, with short foot-stalks, with three floral leaves close to the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are awl-shaped, concave, and the length of the foot-stalk. BLOSSOM near an inch long, four-sided, ribbed, of a yellowish-orange colour; the segments of the mouth are notched, and bent backward. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle; the tips beardless, and just within the. blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel cylindrical, and furrowed; shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom; summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August till January. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA lutea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis ovato-acuminatis, luteis; foliis oppositis, triquetris, adpressis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS laxus, filiformis, gracilis, ad basin ramosus; ramuli conferti. FOLIA opposita, linearia, adpressa, triquetra, supra concava, subtus carinata, sulcata, nitida; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES plures, conglomerati, subterminales; pedunculi capillares, lutei; bracteis binis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acuminatis, luteis, glabris. COROLLA lutea, ovato-acuminata, ore arctata; limbo quadrilobo, subreflexo. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, corolla dimidio breviora, apice recurvata, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, parvæ. PISTILLUM. Germen cylindricum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, purpureus, filamentis duplo longior. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a Septembre, in Maium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossoms; which are of a pointed oval shape, and yellow, the leaves grow opposite in pairs, are three-sided, and pressed to the stem. DESCRIPTION. STEM flexible, thread-shaped, and slender, branching to the bottom; the branches crowded together. The LEAVES grow opposite in pairs, are linear, pressed to the stem, three-sided, concave on the upper, and keel-shaped on the under surface, furrowed, and shining; having very short leaf-stems pressed to the branches. FLOWERS are numerous, close together, and nearly terminating the branches; the foot-stalks are hair-like, and yellow, having two floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets oval, pointed, yellow, and smooth. The BLOSSOM yellow, of a pointed oval shape, compressed at the mouth; having a slightly reflexed, four-lobed border. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, half the length of the blossom, bent back at the point, and fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, within the blossom, and small. POINTAL. Seed-vessel cylindrical, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, purple, and twice as long as the chives. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from September, till May. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA mammosa. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis; stylo subincluso; floribus verticillatis, pendulis, ventricoso-cylindricis, supra basin constrictis, profunde violaceo-purpureis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, glabris. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS simplex, fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis; rami verticillati, raro ramulosi, erecti. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, glabra, recta; seniora patentia, juniora erecta, subtus sulcata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES sub-pollicares, in summitate ramorum verticillati, penduli; pedunculi longissimi, bracteis tribus, minutis, remotis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis., acutis, marginibus membranaceis, apicibus coloratis, adpressis. COROLLA ventricoso-cylindrica, apice attenuata, ad basin constricta, profunde purpurea; laciniis minutis, erectis, obtusis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ aristatæ;, inclusæ, PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum. Stylus filiformis, sub-inclusus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Julii in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx lente auctus. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 4. Germen, Stylus, et Stigma, stigmate aucto. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossom; shaft just within the blossom; flowers grow in whorls, hanging down, of a swelled cylinder shape, pinched in at the base, and of a deep blue purple; leaves grow by fours, are linear, and smooth. DESCRIPTION. STEM simple, shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high; branches grow in whorls, seldom making smaller branches, and upright. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, smooth, and straight; the older ones spread out, the younger grow upright, and are furrowed beneath; having very short foot-stalks, which are pressed to the stem. FLOWERS are near an inch long, grow in whorls at the top of the branches, hanging down; foot-stalks very long, having three small floral leaves at a distance from the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are of a broad egg-shape, pointed, having the margins skinny, the ends coloured, and are pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM of a swelled cylinder-shape, tapered at the end, and pinched in at the base, of a deep purple; the segments of the border are very small, upright, and blunt. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips bearded, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped. Shaft thread-shaped, and just within the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July till November. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement magnified. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 4. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, the summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA marifolia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, sub-inclusis, corollis urceoli-formibus, albidis; foliis ternis, lato-ovatis, pubescentibus, subtus albidis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, fruticosus, pedalis, ramosissimus; ramuli frequentissimi, verticillati. FOLIA terna, patentia, lato-ovata, margine revoluta, subtus albida, petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES terminales, umbellati, cernui; pedunculi longi, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis spathulatis, seu basi attenuatis, apicibus ovatis, concavis, ciliatis. COROLLA albida, urceoli-formis, oris laciniis sub-reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ aristatæ, sub-inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen cylindricum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Aprili in Julium, REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, just within the blossoms, which are pitcher-shaped, and white; the leaves grow by threes, of a broad egg-shape, downy, and white underneath. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, shrubby, grows a foot high, and very branching; the smaller branches are numerous, and grow in whorls. LEAVES grow by threes, spreading outward, of a broad egg-shape, rolled back at the edges., and white beneath, having short foot-stalks pressed to the branches. FLOWERS terminate the branches in bunches which hang downward; the foot-stalks are long, having three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are spathula-shaped, or tapering to the base, the tops egg-shaped, concave, and lashed. BLOSSOM white, pitcher-shaped, having the segments of the mouth slightly bent back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; tips bearded, just within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel cylinder-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4 The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA margaritacea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, inclusis; stylo exserto; corollis globoso campanulatis; floribus terminalibus, sub-umbellatis; foliis quaternis, lineari-trigonis, glabris, erectis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, ramosus; ramuli frequentissimi, erecti, glabri. FOLIA quaterna, lineari-trigona, erecta, subtus sulcata, glabra; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES terminales, nutantes, sub-umbellati; pedunculi filiformes, bracteis tribus, linearibus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, carinatis, sulcatis, lævibus, adpressis. COROLLA urceolata, alba, calyce paulo longior; laciniæ limbi obtusæ, erecto-patulæ. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, apice inflexa. Antheræ ovatæ, brunneæ, cristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen globosum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Junii, in Septembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamen unum, lente auctum. 5. Pistillum, lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with crested tips, within the blossom; shaft without; blossoms globularly bell-shaped; flowers terminate the branches in small bunches; leaves grow by fours, linearly three-sided, smooth and upright. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, and branching; the small branches are numerous, upright, and smooth. LEAVES grow by fours, linearly three-sided, upright, furrowed on the under part and smooth; with very short foot-stalks, pressed to the branches. FLOWERS terminate the branches, are a little bent downwards, and grow in small bunches; the foot-stalks are thread-shaped, with three linear floral leaves on them. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, the little leaves are awl-shaped, keeled, furrowed, smooth, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM pitcher-shaped, white, and a little longer than the cup; the segments of the border are blunt, upright and spreading. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, bent inwards at the ends. Tips egg-shaped, brown, crested and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud globular, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from June, till September. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. A Chive, magnified. 5. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Massonia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis sub-cylindricis, viscosis, speciosissimis, tricoloratis; foliis subquaternis, pilis longis vestitis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, bipedalis, basi simplicissimus, dein ramosus, rami suberecti, foliis toti tecti. FOLIA subquaterna, oblonga, serrata, pilis longis vestita, supra plana, subtus sulcata, petiolis brevissimis adpressis. FLORES subterminales, plures, simplice verticillati, cernuo-patenti, pedunculi pilosi, foliolis tribus subtus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanciolatis, hirsutis, adpressis, apicibus revolutis. COROLLA subcylindracea, micans, viscosa, rubra, lutea et viridia speciosissime colorata, ore arctato, quadrisido. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, longitudine tubi, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, subexsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti ad Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom, which are nearly cylindrical, clammy, most beautiful, and three-coloured; the leaves grow mostly by fours, and are entirely covered with long hairs. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, grows two feet high, simple at the base, then branching, the branches nearly upright, and quite covered by the leaves. LEAVES grow mostly by fours, oblong, sawed, clothed with long hairs, smooth on the upper, and furrowed on the under part, having very short leaf-stems pressed to the branches. FLOWERS are numerous, in single whorls, near the summit of the branches, bending downward, and spreading, the foot-stalks hairy, with three small leaves fixed on their under part. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are lance-shaped, hairy, pressed to the blossom, and rolled back at the point. BLOSSOM nearly cylindrical, shining, clammy, and most beautifully coloured with red, yellow, and green, narrow at the mouth, which is divided into four segments. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, the length of the blossom, fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless. POINTAL. Seed-vessel club-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, rather without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA melastoma. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, attenuata in filamenta plana; corollis sessilibus, solitariis, luteis, terminalibus; oris laciniis nigris; calyx duplicatus, heptaphyllus, imbricatus; foliis subulatis, quaternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS laxus, erectus, bipedalis; rami pauci, simplices; ramuli sparsi, brevissimi, frequentissimi, foliosi. FOLIA quaterna, subulata, apice, recurvata, sub-scabrida, rigida; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES sessiles in apicibus ramulorum, solitarii, dependenti; pedunculi brevissimi. CALYX. Perianthium duplex; _interius_ tetraphyllum, foliolis concavis, ovatis, glabris, imbricatis, integris, luteis; _exterius_ triphyllum, priori brevioribus, consimilibus. COROLLA conica, lutea, parum curvata, basi quadrifariam sulcata, apice attenuata; laciniis erectis, obtusis, longissimis, adpressis, nigris. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, plana, linearia. Antheræ muticæ, lineares, exsertæ, longitudine corollæ, attenuata in filamenta. PISTILLUM. Germen ovatum, glabrum, integrum. Stylus exsertus, filiformis, staminibus paulo longior. Stigma marginatum, virescens. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a Mensi Februarii, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx. 2. Corolla, et Stamina. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 5. Stamen unum, lente auctum. 6. Pistillum, lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossom, tapering into the threads which are flat; blossoms sitting close to the branches singly, are yellow, and terminate them; the segments of the mouth are black; the cup is doubled, of seven leaves and tiled; leaves awl-shaped, growing by fours. DESCRIPTION. STEM weak, upright, grows two feet high; the branches are few, and simple; the small branches are scattered, very short, numerous, and covered with leaves. LEAVES grow by fours, awl-shaped, bent back at the point, roughish and stiff; foot-stalks very short, and pressed to the stem. FLOWERS sitting on the ends of the smaller branches are solitary, and hang down; the foot-stalks are very short. EMPALEMENT. Cup double; the _inner_ one has four leaves, which are concave, egg-shaped, smooth, tiled, entire, and yellow; the _outer_ three-leaved, shorter than the former, and like them. BLOSSOM conical, yellow, slightly curved, having four furrows at the base, and tapering at the point; the segments of the border grow upright, are blunt, very long, pressed to the chives, and black. CHIVES. Eight flat, linear, threads. Tips beardless, linear, without the blossom, and of its length, tapering into the threads. POINTAL. Seed-bud egg-shaped, smooth and entire. Shaft without the blossom, thread-shaped, a little longer than the chives. Summit bordered, and greenish. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from February, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement. 2. The Blossom, and Chives. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 5. A Chive magnified. 6. The Pointal magnified. [Illustration] ERICA monadelphia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis, attenuatis in filamenta plana. Corolla conica, sanguinea, oris laciniis erectis, adpressis. Folia terna. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, sesquipedalis, scaber, ad basin parum ramosus. Ramuli sparsi. FOLIA terna, obtusa, sub-tomentosa, subtus sulcata, petiolis brevissimis adpressis. FLORES in ramulis, bini vel terni, terminales, cernui, in medio ramorum racemum formantes speciosissimum; pedunculis brevibus, bracteis nullis. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, coloratum; exterius triphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis, apicibus virescentibus; interius tetraphyllum, foliolis latioribus majoribus. COROLLA conica, sub-pollicaris, glabra, sanguinea; oris laciniis erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo plana, corolla multoties longiora, receptaculo inserta; antheris muticis, exsertis, attenuatis in filamenta. PISTILLUM. Germen ovatum, tenuissime sulcatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Augusti in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips without the blossoms, and tapering into filaments, which are flat. The blossom is conical, of a blood colour, having the segments of the mouth upright, and pressed to the threads. The leaves grow by threes. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, a foot and a half high, rough, branching but little at the base. The smaller branches are scattered. LEAVES grow by threes, blunt-ended, rather downy, channelled underneath, having very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow by twos and threes at the end of the smaller branches, hanging down, forming a beautiful spike near the middle of the larger branches. The foot-stalks are short, without floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup double, and coloured; the outer three-leaved, the leaves of a broad oval-shape, the ends greenish: the inner is four-leaved, broader and larger than the former. BLOSSOM cone-shaped, near an inch long, smooth, deep red; the segments of the mouth upright. CHIVES. Eight flat threads, much longer than the blossom, fixed into the receptacle; the tips beardless, without the blossom, and tapering into the filaments. POINTAL. Seed-vessel egg-shaped, and slightly furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA mucosa. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis; corollis globosis, mucosis, fasciculatis, cernuo-patentibus, terminalibus; foliis quaternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, tripedalis, ad basin fere ramosus, ramis longis, virgatis, flexuosis. FOLIA quaterna, subtriangularia, linearia, apice recurvata, obtusa, glaberrima, subtus sulcata; brevissimis petiolis instructa. FLORES plures, terminales, fasciculati, cernuo-patentes, mucosi, purpurei fulgenti; pedunculis longis, purpureis, 2 seu 3 bracteis, instructis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, obtusis, erectis, corolla dimidio brevioribus. COROLLA globosa, limbo quadrilobo, laciniis semiorbiculatis, æqualibus, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, corolla breviora, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen subrotundum. Stylus filamentis crassior, erectus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti ad Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx et Bractea lente aucta. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossoms; which are globe-shaped, clammy, and in bunches, bending downward, spreading, and terminating the branches; leaves growing by fours. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows three feet high, branched nearly to the bottom, with long, slender, waving branches. LEAVES growing by fours, nearly triangular, linear, bent back at the point, blunt, smooth, and furrowed underneath; leaf-stems very short. FLOWERS several, terminating the branches in bunches, bending downward and spreading, of a brilliant purple, and clammy; with very long foot-stalks, which are furnished with 2 or 3 floral-leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are egg-shaped, blunt, upright, and half the length of the blossom. BLOSSOM globe-shaped, with a four-lobed border, each division forming a half-round, equal, and upright. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, shorter than the blossom, and fixed in the receptacle. Tips bearded, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel roundish. Shaft thicker than the threads, and upright. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement with the Blossom. 2. The Empalement and Floral-leaves magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Muscari. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis oblongo-ovatis, obtuse tetragonis; foliis quaternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, sesquipedalis, teres, basi simplicissimus, dein ramosus. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, acuta, erecto-patentia, glaberrima, nitida, dilute viridia, petiolis brevissimis ramis adpressis. FLORES luteoli, suaviter olentes, sæpius quaterni, terminales; pedunculis brevissimis. CALYX. Perianthium duplex; _interius_ tetraphyllum, foliolis erectis, ovatis, carinatis; _exterius_ triphyllum, priori incumbens. COROLLA oblongo-ovata, obtuse tetragona, summa parte arctata, limbo quadrilobo, laciniis æqualibus revolutis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, stylo subæqualia, apice torto, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, bifidæ, dorsales. PISTILLUM. Germen obovatum, fulcatum sulcis octo. Stylus linearis, erectus, corollas sub-æqualis. Stigma subtetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a Martio ad Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips within the blossom, which is oblong-egg-shaped, and bluntly four-edged; leaves growing by fours. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows a foot and a half high, cylindrical, undivided at the base, afterwards branching. LEAVES growing by fours, linear, pointed, between upright and spreading, smooth and shining, of a light green, with short leaf-stems pressed to the branches. FLOWERS yellowish, sweet-scented, mostly four together, terminating the branches; having very short footstalks. EMPALEMENT. Cup double; the _inner_ one has four leaves, which are erect, ovate, and keel-shaped; the _outer_ has three leaves, and rests on the former. The BLOSSOM oblong-egg-shaped, bluntly four-edged, contracted at the mouth, which is terminated by a four-lobed border, whose segments are equal, and rolled back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, nearly of a length with the pointal, crooked at their upper part, and fixed in the receptacle. Tips beardless, within the blossom, cleft, and fixed to the threads at their back. POINTAL. Seed-vessel inversely egg-shaped, furrowed with eight channels. Shaft linear, erect, nearly of a length with the blossom. Summit nearly four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from March till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA nigrita. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis, atris; flores subterni, albi; corolla campanulata, laciniis revolutis, maximis; foliis ternis, nitidis, patentibus. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, pedalis; rami et ramuli frequentissimi, sub-erecti, virgati, sub-tomentosi. FOLIA terna, nitida, glabra, sub-triquetra, obtusa, patentia, crassa; petiolis adpressis. FLORES in apicibus ramulorum terminales, sub-terni; pedunculi albi; bracteæ ovatæ, acutæ, albæ, calyci approximatæ, imbricatæ, calyciformes. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis, ovatis, acutis, albis, laxis, longitudine fere corollæ. COROLLA campanulata, albida; laciniis oris revolutis, majoribus. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antherae muticæ, exsertæ, atræ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-ovatum, leviter sulcatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus paulo longior. Stigma peltatum, sub-tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, Anthera una lente aucta. 5. Pistillum, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossom, and black; flowers grow mostly by threes, and white; blossom bell-shaped; segments rolled back, and very large; leaves grow by threes, shining, and spreading. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, grows a foot high; the larger and smaller branches are numerous, nearly upright, twiggy, and a little downy. LEAVES grow by threes, shine, smooth, nearly three-sided, blunt, spreading, and thick; foot-stalks pressed to the stem. FLOWERS grow from the ends of the small branches, mostly by threes; with white foot-stalks; floral leaves egg-shaped, sharp-ended, white, close to the cup, tiled, and like those of the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, white, loose, nearly the length of the blossom. BLOSSOM bell-shaped, white; the segments of the mouth are rolled back, and larger than the tube. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, without the blossom, and black. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly egg-shaped, slightly furrowed, glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, a little longer than the chives. Summit shield-shaped, almost four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one Tip magnified. 5. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA obliqua. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris basi bicornibus, inclusis; stylo sub-exserto; corollis ovatis, laciniis ovalibus, maximis, erectis; floribus umbellatis, terminalibus, pedunculis pollicaribus; foliis oblique sparsis, truncatis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis; rami simplices, longi, filiformes. FOLIA sparsa, sæpe vero quaterna, linearia, arcuata, margine glanduloso-denticulata, glabra, truncata, petiolis tenuissimis. FLORES numerosi, sub apice ramorum umbellati; pedunculi flore triplo longiores, colorati, viscidi, bracteis tribus linearibus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolis minutis, linearibus, viscosis, adpressis. COROLLA sub-globosa, purpurea, magnitudine pisi; laciniis limbi maximis, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, plana, linearia, apice incurvata; antheræ ad basin bicornutæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen tiarae-forme, sulcatum; glandulæ octo ad basin germinis; stylus cylindricus, sub-exsertus; stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Augusti in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Flos. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, lente aucta. 6. Pistillum lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with tips two-horned at the base, and within the blossom; the shaft just without; blossoms egg-shaped, the segments of the border oval, very large, and upright; flowers grow in bunches, and terminate the branches; the footstalks an inch long; the leaves grow scattered obliquely, appearing cut off at the ends. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows a foot high; the branches simple, long, and thread-shaped. LEAVES grow scattered, sometimes by fours, linear, arched, appearing toothed by small glands at the edge, smooth, seeming cut off at the ends, and with very slender footstalks. FLOWERS numerous, growing in umbels at the end of the branches; the footstalks thrice the length of the flower, coloured, clammy, and having three linear floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved; the leaflets very small, linear, clammy, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM almost globular, purple, the size of a pea; the segments of the border very large and upright. CHIVES. Eight flat threads, linear, bent inward at the points; tips two-horned at the base, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped and furrowed; eight glands at the base of the seed-bud; shaft cylindrical, and just without the blossom; summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, magnified. 6. The Pointal magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Pattersonia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis; foliis quaternis, floribus axillaribus, e foliis emergentibus, cylindricis, luteis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, basi ramosus, dein simplicissimus, pyramidatus, ramulis brevissimis vestitus. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, incurvata, acuta, glabra, subtus sulcata, petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES plures, axillares, in medio cauli e foliis recti emergentes, pedunculis fere nullis. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, _exterius_ triphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acuminatis, _interius_ tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, apice recurvatis. COROLLA cylindrica, subpollicaria, glabra, lutea, ore arctato, quadrisido limbo reflexo. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, corollæ subæqualia, receptaculo inserta. Antheris aristatis. PISTILLUM. Germen campanulatum. Stylus filiformis, tortuosus, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a Martio ad Augustum. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossom; leaves growing by fours, the flowers grow close to the stem, peeping out from amongst the leaves, are cylindrical, and yellow. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, two feet high, upright, branching out at the base, then forming a simple, pyramidal spike, covered by very short branches. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, curved, sharp-pointed, and smooth, furrowed underneath, having short leaf-stems pressed to the branches. FLOWERS are numerous, growing close to, and about the middle of the stem, peeping straight out from amongst the leaves, with scarce any footstalks. EMPALEMENT. Cup, double the _outer_ three-leaved, which are oval, and pointed, the _inner_ four-leaved, being awl-shaped, and bent back at the point. BLOSSOM cylindrical, near an inch long, smooth, yellow, and narrow at the mouth, having a four-lobed, reflexed border. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, nearly the length of the blossom, fixed into the receptacle. Tips bearded. POINTAL. Seed-vessel bell-shaped. Shaft thread-shaped, twisted, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from March till August. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Petiveriana. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis, longissimis; corollis clavatis, pollicaribus, luteis; calyce imbricato, foliis ternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS strictissimus, rigidus, parum ramosus; ramulis brevibus, frequentissimis. FOLIA terna, linearia, obtusa, in apicibus ramulorum fasciculata, petiolis adpressis. FLORES in medio ramorum, ramulis ultimis terminales, bini, vel terni, recurvi; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus calyciformibus. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, imbricatum, interius tetraphyllum, exterius triphyllum, foliolis ovatis, acuminatis, concavis, luteis, glabris. COROLLA clavata, curvata, lutea, pollicaris, glabra, ad basin grossa, quadrifida; oris laciniis incurvis, adpressis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta; antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, longissimæ. PISTILLUM. Germen ovatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Aprili in Junium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diduct; antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 6. Stylus et Stigma lente aucti. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossom, and very long; the blossom is club-shaped, an inch long, and yellow; the cup is tiled; the leaves grow by threes. DESCRIPTION. STEM very upright, harsh, very little branched; the smaller branches are short, and numerous. LEAVES grow by threes, are linear, blunt, and are bundled together at the end of the small branches; the foot-stalks grow close to the branches. FLOWERS terminate the smaller branches about the middle of the larger ones, by twos and threes, and are bent inwards; the foot-stalks are very short, having three floral leaves, which seem to form part of the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup double, and tiled, the inner four-leaved, the outer three-leaved, which are oval, pointed, hollow, smooth, and yellow. BLOSSOM club-shaped, curved, yellow, smooth, an inch long, swelled at the base, which is divided into four; the segments of the mouth are bent inwards, and pressed to the filaments. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the receptacle; tips beardless, very long, and without the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel egg-shaped. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April till June. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 6. The Shaft and Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA physodes. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, inclusis; corollis ovatis, inflatis, glabris, viscosis, crystallinis, albis; foliis quaternis, marginibus glandulosis, obtusis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus; rami erecti, ramulosi. FOLIA quaterna, obtusa, lato-linearia, carinata, curvata, margine glandulosa, viscosa, patentia. FLORES umbellati, sub-quaterni, cernui, ad apices ramulorum; pedunculi mediocres, bracteis minutis, distantibus. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, brevissimis, adpressis, viscosis. COROLLA ovata, alba, crystallina, magnitudine pisi; laciniis acuminatis, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen globosum, sulcatum. Stylus sub-inclusus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Februario in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium lente auctum. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamen lente auctum. 6. Pistillum lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with crested tips within the blossoms, which are egg-shaped, swelled out, smooth, clammy, like crystal, and white; leaves grow by fours, have glandular edges, and are blunt-ended. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows two feet high, upright; the branches grow upright, and have numerous little branches. LEAVES grow by fours, are blunt, broadly linear, keeled, curved, the edges glandular, clammy, and spreading. FLOWERS grow in umbels of mostly four together, hanging down from the ends of the smaller branches; the footstalks of the length of the blossoms, with floral leaves that are very small, and placed at a distance from the blossom. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are egg-shaped, very short, pressed to the blossom, and clammy. BLOSSOM egg-shaped, white, and like crystal, the size of a pea; segments of the border tapering and upright. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; tips crested, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud globular, and furrowed. Shaft just within the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from February till July. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. A Chive magnified. 6. The Pointal magnified. [Illustration] ERICA pinea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis tubuloso-clavatis, sub-albidis; floribus axillaribus, verticillatis, pollicaribus; foliis, sub-senis, linearibus glabris, rigidis, longis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, plus quam bipedalis, robustus; rami verticillati, erecto-patentes, raro ramulosi, cauli similes. FOLIA sena, linearia, glabra, patentia, longissima, petiolis adpressis. FLORES in medio ramorum verticillati, horizontales, pollicares; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, ad basin latioribus, glabris, adpressis. COROLLA tubuloso-clavata, obtusa, sub-albida; laciniis reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, corolla breviora. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum; apice pilosum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma peltatum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium, lente auctum. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 6. Pistillum, stigma auctum. 7. Germen, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH with beardless tips, within the blossoms, which are tubularly club-shaped, and nearly white; flowers grow from the lower part of the leaves close to the stem in whorls, are an inch long; leaves grow mostly by sixes, are linear and smooth, stiff, and long. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, grows more than two feet high and very stout; the branches grow in whorls, spreading and upright, seldom breaking into smaller branches, and like the stem. LEAVES grow by sixes, are linear, smooth, spread outward, and very long, the foot-stalks pressed to the stem. FLOWERS grow in whorls about the middle of the branches, horizontal, and an inch in length; the foot-stalks very short, with three floral leaves on them. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, the leaflets are awl-shaped, broadest at the base, smooth, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM tubularly club-shaped, blunt ended, and nearly white; the segments of the border are reflexed. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads shorter than the blossom. Tips beardless and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped and furrowed; hairy on the upper part, and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit shield-shaped. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till December, REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal, magnified. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, a Tip magnified. 6. The Pointal, the Summit magnified. 7. The Seed-bud, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Plukenetia nana. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA antheris muticis, longissimis, exsertis; floribus solitariis, cernuis, bracteis remotis; corolla sub cylindrica, sub-truncata, atro-purpurea; oris laciniis minutis, erectis; calycibus simplicibus; foliis ternis, confertis, inflexis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS sub-pedalis, erectus, robustus; rami verticillati, patenti; ramuli frequentissimi, sub-erecti. FOLIA terna, linearia, glabra, arcuata, inflexa, subtus sulcata; petiolis ferè nullis. FLORES in medio ramorum ex axillis foliorum verticillati, solitarii; pedunculi longissimi, bracteis minutis, remotis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis glabris, carinatis, ovatis, acutis, coloratis, adpressis. COROLLA sub-cylindrica, sub-truncata, glabra, atro-purpurea; laciniis limbi obtusis, obsoletis, viridibus, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, plana, longitudine corollæ. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, filamentorum longitudine, attenuata in filamenta. PISTILLUM. Germen ovatum, glabrum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus, staminibus paulo longior. Stigma obsolete tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Junii, in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, Stigma auctum. 6. Germen auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH with beardless tips, very long, and without the blossom; flowers grow solitary, hanging down, with the floral leaves at a distance; blossom nearly cylindrical, appearing nearly as if cut off at the mouth, of a deep purple; the segments of the mouth are small, and upright; the cups simple; leaves grow by threes, crowded together, and turned inwards. DESCRIPTION. STEM grows nearly a foot high, upright, and sturdy; the branches grow in whorls, spreading; the smaller branches are numerous, and nearly upright. LEAVES grow by threes, linear, smooth, bent like a bow, turned inward, and furrowed beneath; scarce any foot-stalks. FLOWERS grow in the middle of the branches, from the base of the leaves in whorls, and singly; the foot-stalks the length of the blossoms, having very small floral leaves at a distance from the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup three-leaved, leaflets smooth, keeled, egg-shaped, pointed, coloured, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM nearly cylindrical, appearing almost as if cut off at the end, smooth, and of a deep purple; the segments of the border blunt, very small, green, and upright. CHIVES. Eight flat threads, the length of the blossom. Tips beardless, without the blossom, the length of the threads, and tapered into them. POINTAL. Seed-bud egg-shaped, and smooth. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom, and a little longer than the chives. Summit slightly four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from the month of June, till November. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one Tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and Summit, the Summit magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA pubescens. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis; stylo sub-exserto; corollis ovatis, pubescentibus; foliis quaternis, arcuatis, incurvatis, hirtis; caule piloso. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, ramosus, pilosus; rami et ramuli pilosi, filiformes, virgati. FOLIA quaterna, sæpe terna, obtusa, villosa, incurva, arcuata, subtus sulcata; petiolis brevissimis adpressis. FLORES in ramulis terminales, umbellati, bini, terni, vel plures, copiosi, purpurei; pedunculi capillares, bracteis tribus, hirsutis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis pilosis, rufescentibus, subulatis, apicibus coloratis, obtusis. COROLLA, ovata, obtusa, villosa; oris laciniis minutis, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen ovatum, ad basin glandulosum. Stylus filiformis, purpureus. Stigma ad basin peltatum, apice tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Februarium. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium, auctum. 2. Calyx, et Corolla. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina, lente aucta. 6. Germen, Stylus et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossom; shaft just without; blossoms egg-shaped and downy; leaves grow by fours, bowed, turned inwards, and hairy; stem hairy. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, branching and hairy; the large and small branches are hairy; thread-shaped, and twiggy. LEAVES grow by fours, often by threes, blunt, hairy, turned inwards, bowed, and furrowed beneath; having very short foot-stalks pressed to the stem. FLOWERS terminate the small branches in umbels of two, three, or more, are very abundant, and purple; foot-stalks are hair-like, having three hairy floral-leaves on them. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are hairy, rough, awl-shaped, coloured at the ends, and blunt. BLOSSOM egg-shaped, blunt, and hairy; the segments of the mouth are small and upright. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips bearded, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud egg-shaped and glandular at the base. Shaft thread-shaped and purple. Summit shield-shaped at the base, and four-cornered at the top. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till February. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives, magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA pulchella. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; flores sub-globosi, incarnati, axillares, paniculati; caulis filiformis, flexuosus; folia terna, trigona, sexfariam imbricata. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS flexuosus, pedalis, glaber; rami flexuosi, sub-simplices, filiformes, longi. FOLIA terna, trigona, glabra, obtusa, sexfariam imbricata, sub-erecta; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in summis ramulis paniculati, axillares; pedunculi longissimi, bracteis tribus, minutis, remotis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ciliatis, concavis, adpressis, ovatis. COROLLA sub-globosa, parva, incarnata, laciniis minutis, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen globosum. Stylus cylindricus, inclusus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Februarium. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum, lente auctum. 2. Corolla, et Calyx. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 5. Stamen unum lente auctum. 6. Germen, Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom; the flowers nearly globular, flesh-coloured, and grow from the lower part of the leaves, close to the branches, forming a loose spike; stem thread-shaped, growing zig-zagged; leaves grow by threes, three-sided, tiled, and forming six edges. DESCRIPTION. STEM grows zig-zagged, a foot high, and smooth; branches like the stem, grow nearly simple, thread-shaped, and long. LEAVES grow by threes, three-sided, smooth, blunt, forming six edges, and almost upright; the foot-stalks are very short, and pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow in loose spikes, near the ends of the small branches from the lower part of the leaves; the foot-stalks very long, having three small floral leaves near the lower part. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are fringed, concave, pressed to the blossom, and egg-shaped. BLOSSOM, almost globular, small, and flesh-coloured; the segments small, and upright. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud globular. Shaft cylindrical, and within the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till February. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Blossom, and Empalement. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 5. A Chive, magnified. 6. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA purpurea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis; corollis verticillatis, tubulosis, a basi incurvata, sensim ampliatis; foliis subsenis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, bipedalis, pubescens, basi simplicissimus, dein verticillatim ramosus, ramis simplicibus, adscendentibus. FOLIA subsena, linearia, recurvato patentia, supra plana, subtus revoluta, acuta, rigida, brevissimis adpressis petiolis. FLORES verticillati, subterminales, dilute purpurei, pedunculis brevissimis instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis erectis, ovato-oblongis, acuminatis; bracteis binis adpressis. COROLLA tubulosa, basi incurvata, sensim versus apicem dilatata; ore quadrilobo æquali patente. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, bipartitæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum. Stylus filiformis, filamentis longior. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Julii ad Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx et Bractea lente aucta. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossoms; which grow in whorls, are tubular, gradually widening from an incurved base; leaves growing mostly by sixes. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, grows two feet high, downy, quite intire at the base, then throws out a number of whorled, simple, ascending branches. LEAVES growing generally in sixes, linear, bent backward and spreading, plain on their upper, and rolled back on their under, surface, sharp-pointed, inflexible, with short leaf-stalks pressed closely to the stem. FLOWERS grow in whorls, nearly at the top of the branches, of a fine light purple, and furnished with very short foot-stalks. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are of an oblong-oval shape, upright, and pointed; with two floral-leaves close to it. BLOSSOM tubular, with an incurved base, gradually widening towards the mouth, which is cut into four equal, spreading lobes. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed in the receptacle. Tips beardless, without the blossom, and deeply divided. POINTAL. Seed-vessel turban-shaped. Shaft thread-shaped, longer than the threads. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from July till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement with the Blossom. 2. The Empalement and Floral-leaves magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA pyramidalis. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; floribus umbellatis, sub-quaternis; corolla pyramidata, carnea, laciniis maximis, erectis; foliis sub-quaternis, linearibus, pilosis, obtusis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, ramosus, flexilis; ramuli frequentissimi, verticillati, sub-quaterni, brevi, cernui. FOLIA sub-quaterna, linearia, pilosa, tenuia, subtus sulcata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in apicibus ramulorum umbellati, sub-quaterni; pedunculi recti, colorati, bracteis minutis, remotis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis, subulatis, adpressis. COROLLA campanulato-infundibuliformis, carnea; laciniis limbi acutis, maximis, semiovatis, apicibus parum patulis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-globosum, apice octo-partitum, compressum. Stylus filiformis, erectus, subexsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Septembris, in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Corolla. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 5. Anthera una lente aucta. 6. Pistillum, lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom; flowers grow in umbels mostly of four; blossom pyramid-shaped and flesh coloured, the segments very large, and upright; leaves grow generally by fours, linear, hairy and blunt ended. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, branching and flexible; small branches are numerous, grow in whorls, mostly by fours, short and hanging down. LEAVES grow most frequently by fours, are linear, hairy, thin and furrowed beneath; foot-stalks very short and pressed to the stem. FLOWERS grow at the ends of the small branches in bunches, generally of four; the foot-stalks grow straight, are coloured, having the floral leaves at a distance from the blossom. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets awl-shaped, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM between bell and funnel-shaped, and flesh-coloured; the segments of the border are pointed, very large, half egg-shaped, with the ends a little spreading. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly globular, eight divisions at the top and flattened. Shaft thread-shaped, upright and just without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from September, till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Blossom. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 5. A Tip, magnified. 6. The Pointal and Seed-bud, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA radiata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; stylo exserto; floribus horizontaliter-verticillatis, terminalibus; corollis sub-cylindricis, pollicaribus, laciniis revolutis; foliis quaternis, glabris, patentibus. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, sub-pedalis, ramosus; rami sub-simplices, patento-erecti, glabri. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, patentia, subtus sulcata, supra plana, glabra; petiolis adpressis. FLORES in ramulorum apice verticillati, horizontaliter siti; pedunculi foliorum longitudine, bracteis tribus, subulatis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, adpressis. COROLLA subcylindrica, calyce triplo longior; oris laciniis revolutis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exfertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Flos. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom; shaft without; flowers terminate the branches in horizontal whorls; blossoms nearly cylindrical, an inch long, with the segments of the border rolled back; leaves grow by fours, smooth and spreading. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, grows near a foot high, and branching; the branches nearly simple, spreading upright and smooth. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, spreading, furrowed on the under part, flat on the upper part and smooth; the foot-stalks pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow in whorls at the ends of the smaller branches, standing horizontally; the foot-stalks the length of the leaves, having three awl-shaped floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, the leaflets are awl-shaped, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM almost cylinder-shaped, thrice the length of the cup; the segments of the mouth are rolled back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud club-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till November. REFERENCE. 1. The Flower. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Shaft and Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA ramentacea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris cristatis, inclusis; corollis globosis, umbellis confertis, rubro-purpureis, pedunculis longissimis, coloratis; foliis quaternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, spithamæus, ramosissimus, rami et ramuli filiformes, divaricato-patentes. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, subtus sulcata, glabra, acuminata. FLORES plures, terminales, umbellati, conferti; pedunculi purpurei, longissimi, capillares, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, coloratis. COROLLA globosa, rubro-purpurea, ore contracto, laciniis minutis, reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta; Antheris cristatis, inclusis. PISTILLUM. Germen globosum, sulcatum; Stylus filiformis sub-exsertus. Stigma tetragonum, pubescens. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Augusti in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, whose tips are crested, and within the blossoms, which are globe-shaped, growing in close bunches, of a reddish-purple colour, having very long foot-stalks coloured; the leaves grow by fours. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, a span high, very much branched; the larger and smaller branches are thread-shaped, and spread into various directions. LEAVES grow by fours, are linear, furrowed, underneath, smooth, and pointed. The FLOWERS are numerous, terminating the branches in close bunches; the foot-stalks are purple, very long, hair-like, and have three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are awl-shaped, and coloured. BLOSSOM globe-shaped, of a reddish purple, the mouth contracted, the segments of which are very small, and bent back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the receptacle; the tips crested, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel globe-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, just without the blossom. Summit four-cornered, and downy. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA retorta. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; foliis quaternis, retortis, apice setaceis, margine ciliatis; floribus umbellatis, viscosis, carneis, ampullaceis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis, erectus, ramosus; rami flexuosi, filiformes. FOLIA quaterna, retorta, seta terminali aristata, margine ciliata, glabra, supra plana, subtus sulcata; petioli brevissimi, adpressi. FLORES plures, subterminales, sæpe quatuor, verticillati, viscosi; pedunculi longi, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis aristatis, apice ciliatis, subovatis, viscosis, adpressis. COROLLA, basi inflata, apice attenuata, ima parte carnea, summa saturate purpurea, ore arctata, laciniis ovatis, reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ inclusæ, villoso-muticæ. PISTILLUM. Germen clavatum; stylus exsertus, purpureus; stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Julii, in Octobrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum lente auctum. 2. Calyx, et Corolla. 3. Calyx, lente auctus. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 6. Stylus, et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom; the leaves grow by fours, are rolled back, having bristles at their points, and fringed at their edges; the flowers grow in bunches, are clammy, flesh coloured, and flask-shaped. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows about a foot high, and upright; the branches are crooked, and thread-shaped. The LEAVES grow by fours, are rolled back, terminating with an awn-like bristle, fringed at the edges, smooth, flat on the upper and furrowed on the under part, having short foot-stalks pressed to the branches. The FLOWERS are numerous, nearly terminal, mostly by fours, in whorls, and clammy; the foot-stalks are long, having three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are each terminated by a bristle, the ends fringed, nearly oval, clammy, and pressed to the blossom. The BLOSSOM is swelled out at the base, and tapers to the point, the lower part is of a flesh colour, the upper deep purple, straightened at the mouth, whose segments are egg-shaped, and bent back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the receptacle. The tips are within the blossom, beardless, and covered with hairs. POINTAL. Seed-vessel club-shaped; shaft without the blossom, and purple; summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July, till October. REFERENCE. 1. One leaf magnified. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 6. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Sebana _aurantia_. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis, longissimis; corolla clavata, incurvata, aurantia; laciniis obtusis, incurvis; floribus ternis, terminalibus; calyx duplex, imbricatus; foliis ternis, arcuatis, reflexis; rami toti tecti ramulis brevissimis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS robustus, erectus, pedalis; rami pauci, tecti ramulis confertis, brevissimis. FOLIA terna, linearia, arcuata, conferta, subtrigona, reflexa, apice acuta, brevissime petiolata. FLORES terni in apice ramulorum dependenti; pedunculi brevissimi, nudi. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, _exterius_ triphyllum, foliolis, lato-ovatis, membranaceis, adpressis, imbricatis; _interius_ tetraphyllum, foliolis majoribus. COROLLA clavata, incurvata, aurea, calyce duplo longior; laciniis limbi obtusis, incurvis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo linearia, plana. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, longissimæ, lineares, attenuata in filamenta. PISTILLUM. Germen ovale, apice truncatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus paulo longior. Stigma obsolete tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Julii, in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx auctus. 2. Flos. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 5. Anthera una, lente aucta. 6. Stigma, auctum. 7. Germen, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossom, and very long; blossom club-shaped, turned inwards and orange coloured; segments blunt, turned inwards; flowers grow by threes at the ends of the branches; cup double, tiled; leaves grow by threes, are curved, and reflexed; the branches are quite covered with little branches. DESCRIPTION. STEM sturdy, upright, grows a foot high; branches few, covered by little branches which are crowded together. LEAVES grow by threes, linear, arched, crowded, nearly three-sided, reflexed, sharp-pointed, very small foot-stalks. FLOWERS grow by threes at the end of the small branches, hanging down; very short, naked, foot-stalks. EMPALEMENT. Cup double, _the outer_ three-leaved, leaflets broad egg-shaped and skinny, pressed to the stem, tiled; _the inner_ four-leaved, with larger leaflets. BLOSSOM club-shaped, turned inwards, orange colour, and twice the length of the cup; the segments of the mouth blunt and turned inwards. CHIVES. Eight linear, flat threads; tips beardless, without the blossom, very long, linear, and tapered into the threads. POINTAL. Seed-bud oval, appearing cut off at the end and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, a little longer than the chives. Summit slightly four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July, till November. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. A Flower. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 5. A Tip, magnified. 6. The Summit, magnified. 7. The Seed-bud, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Sebana _lutea_. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis, longissimis; corolla conica, lutea; laciniis obtusis, erectis; floribus ternis, terminalibus, dependentibus; calyx duplex, imbricatus; foliis ternis, confertissimis, reflexis, arcuatis; caulis simplex, elongatus. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, bipedalis, laxus; rami pauci, ramulis brevissimis tecti. FOLIA terna, linearia, arcuata; conferta, subtrigona, reflexa, apice acuta, brevissime petiolata. FLORES terni in apice ramulorum penduli; pedunculis brevissimis. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, _exterius_ triphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis, membranaceis, adpressis, imbricatis; _interius_ tetraphyllum, foliolis majoribus. COROLLA conica, calyce duplo longior, lutea; laciniis limbi obtusis, erectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, linearia, plana. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, lineares, longissimæ, attenuata in filamenta. PISTILLUM. Germen ovale, apice truncatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus, staminibus paulo longior. Stigma obsoletum, virescens. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Augusti, in Januarium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx. 2. Corolla. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a pistillo diducta. 5. Anthera una, lente aucta. 6. Pistillum, magnitudine naturali, Stigma dilatatum. 7. Germen, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossom and very long; blossom conical, and yellow; segments of the border upright; flowers grow by threes, terminating the branches, hanging down; empalement double, tiled; leaves grow by threes, very crowded, are bent back and crooked; stem simple, lengthened out. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, grows two feet high, and weak; larger branches few, covered with numerous shorter ones. LEAVES grow by threes, linear, curved, crowded, nearly three-sided, reflexed, sharp-pointed, foot-stalks very short. FLOWERS grow by threes hanging down at the end of the smaller branches; foot-stalks very short. EMPALEMENT. Cup double, _the outer_ three-leaved, leaflets broad, egg-shaped, skinny, pressed to the inner, and tiled; _the inner_ four-leaved, with larger leaflets. BLOSSOM conical, twice the length of the cup, yellow; the segments of the border blunt and upright. CHIVES. Eight linear threads, flat. Tips beardless, without the blossom, linear, very long, tapered into the threads. POINTAL. Seed-bud oval, appearing cut off at the end, furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom, a little longer than the chives. Summit obsolete, and greenish. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August, till January. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement. 2. The Blossom. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the pointal. 5. A Tip, magnified. 6. The Pointal of the natural size, the Summit larger. 7. The Seed-bud, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Sebana, _viridis_. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exertis, longissimis; corolla conica, sub-viridis, laciniis obtusis, rectis; floribus ternis, terminalibus, dependentibus; calyx duplex, imbricatus; foliis ternis, reflexis, confertis, arcuatis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS robustus, erectus, pedalis; rami tecti ramulis brevissimis, confertis. FOLIA terna, linearia, arcuata, conferta, sub-trigona, reflexa, apice acuta, brevissime petiolata. FLORES terni, in apice ramulorum brevissimorum cernui. CALYX. Perianthium duplex; exterius triphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis, membranaceis, adpressis, imbricatis; interius tetraphyllum, foliolis majoribus. COROLLA conica, calyce duplo longior, pallide-viridis; laciniis limbi obtusis, rectis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, linearia, plana; antheræ muticæ, exsertæ, longissimæ, sub-rubræ. PISTILLUM. Germen conicum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus, staminibus paulo longior. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret in mense Aprilis. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Corolla. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamen unum auctum. 6. Pistillum lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossom, and very long; blossom conical and greenish, having the segments of the mouth blunt, and straight; the flowers grow by threes, at the end of the branches, hanging down; cup double and tiled; the leaves grow by threes, are bent backward, crowded together, and arched. DESCRIPTION. STEM sturdy, upright, and a foot high; the branches are covered with very short lesser branches, crowded together. LEAVES grow by threes, are linear, arched, crowded together, nearly three-sided, reflexed, sharp-pointed, and on very short footstalks. FLOWERS grow by threes, at the end of the shorter branches hanging down. EMPALEMENT. Cup double; the outer three-leaved, the leaflets of a broad egg-shape, skinny, pressed to the inner cup, and tiled; the inner four-leaved, the leaflets larger. BLOSSOM conical, twice the length of the cup, and pale green; the segments of the border are blunt, and straight. CHIVES. Eight linear, flat threads; tips beardless, without the blossom, very long, and reddish. POINTAL. Seed-bud conical. Shaft thread-shaped, without the blossom, and something longer than the chives. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers in the month of April. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Blossom. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. A Chive magnified. 6. The Pointal magnified. [Illustration] ERICA serratifolia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis sub-exsertis, corollis sub-cylindricis, luteo-aurantiis, sub-pollicaribus; foliis quaternis, rigidis, acutis, serratis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, rigidus, pedalis, ramosus; ramuli frequentissimi, breves. FOLIA quaterna, rigida, serrata, acuta, nitida, trigona, patentia, apice incurvata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES terminales, in apicibus ramulorum bini vel terni, sub-cernui; pedunculi breves, bracteis tribus instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, serratis, reflexis. COROLLA sub-pollicaria, sub-cylindrica, luteo-aurantia, apice paulo contracta; oris laciniis reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ sub-exsertæ, muticæ. PISTILLUM. Germen cylindricum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Augusti in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucti. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips just out of the blossoms, which are nearly cylindrical, of an orange yellow, almost an inch long; the leaves grow by fours, are harsh, sharp, and sawed at the edges. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, harsh, grows a foot high, and much branched; the smaller branches are numerous, and short. LEAVES grow by fours, are harsh, sawed, sharp, shining, three-sided, and spreading, the point bent inwards; with very short floral leaves pressed to the stem. FLOWERS are terminal, two or three together at the end of the smaller branches, bending a little downward; the footstalks are short, having three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved; the leaflets are spear-shaped, sawed, and bent outward. BLOSSOM near an inch long, almost cylindrical, orange yellow, a little contracted at the top; the segments of the mouth are bent back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; tips nearly without the blossom, and beardless. POINTAL. Seed-vessel cylindrical. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA setacea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris basi bicornibus, inclusis; stylo longissimo, exserto; floribus racemosis, terminalibus, ternis; corollis urceolatis, pallidis, minutis; foliis ternis, hispidis; caulis flexilis, filiformis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS rami et ramuli filiformes, flexuosi, tenuissime scabri, villosi. FOLIA terna, linearia, arcuata, obtusa, supra sub-scabrida, margine setacea, revoluta; petioli brevissimi. FLORES in ultimis ramulis terminates, sub-terni, spicati; pedunculi longitudine florum, bracteis tribus, ad basin instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, apice pilosis, adpressis. COROLLA urceolata, glabra, sub-albida, minuta; laciniæ limbi sub-erectæ, obtusæ. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ inclusæ, ad basin bicornutæ. PISTILLUM. Germen sub-globosum, sulcatum. Stylus exsertus, longissimus. Stigma maximum, tetragonum, purpureum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi. Februarii, in Aprilem. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum, lente auctum. 2. Calyx, et Corolla. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 6. Stamen unum, auctum. 7. Pistillum, lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with tips two-horned at the base, within the blossom, the shaft very long and without; flowers grow in long bunches, terminating the small branches by threes; blossoms pitcher-shaped, pale and small; leaves grow by threes, with harsh hair on them; stem weak and thread-shaped. DESCRIPTION. STEM larger and smaller branches are thread-shaped, grow zig-zag, are a little rough and hairy. LEAVES grow by threes, are linear, bowed, blunt, roughish on the upper side, bristly and rolled back at the edge; the foot-stalks very short. FLOWERS grow mostly by threes at the extremity of the smaller branches, forming a spike; the foot-stalks the length of the flowers, having three floral leaves at the base. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, hairy at the end and pressed to the blossoms. BLOSSOM pitcher-shape, smooth, whitish and small; the segments of the border are almost upright and blunt. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips within the blossom and two-horned at the base. POINTAL. Seed-bud nearly globular, and furrowed. Shaft without the blossom, and very long. Summit very large, four-cornered, and purple. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from February till April. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 6. A Chive, magnified. 7. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA sordida. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, exsertis; corollis pilosis, curvis, sordide-luteis; floribus terminalibus, sessilibus; folia quaterna, linearia, pilis longis tecta. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, apice pilosus; rami sparsi, erecti; ramuli frequentissimi, pilosi. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, pilosa, obtusa; petiolis brevissimis. FLORES sessiles in omnibus ramulorum apicibus, solitarii, bini, vel terni; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus, adpressis, instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis foliis similibus, adpressis. COROLLA tubulosa-clavata, curvata, pollicaria, sordide-lutea, pilosa; oris laciniis recurvatis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, apice incurvata. Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ. PISTILLUM. Germen ovatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium, auctum. 2. Calyx, et Corolla. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Stamen et Pistillum, anthera una, aucta. 5. Stigma, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, without the blossoms, which are hairy, curved, and of a dirty yellow; flowers terminate the branches, sitting close to the stem; leaves grow by fours, linear, and covered with long hairs. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, hairy at the top; branches scattered, upright; smaller branches numerous, and hairy. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, hairy and blunt; with very short foot-stalks. FLOWERS sit close upon the ends of the smaller branches, growing solitary, or by twos, or threes; the foot-stalks are very short, having three floral leaves pressed close to the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, the leaflets like the other leaves, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM tubularly club-shaped, curved, an inch long, of a dirty yellow colour and hairy; the segments of the mouth rolled back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, curved inwards at the points. Tips beardless, and without the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud egg-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from the month of August, till December. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement, and Blossom. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal, a tip magnified. 5. The Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA spicata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis; floribus pluribus, dense spicatis, subterminalibus; foliis subsenis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis, erectus, ramis pluribus, confertis, adscendentibus. FOLIA subsena, linearia, mucronata, patentia, glaberrima, subtus sulcata, petiolis brevissimis, cauli adpressis. FLORES plures, subterminales arcte stipati, in spicam duram; ima parte luteoli, summa virescens. CALYX. Perianthium persistens, duplex; _exterius_ polyphyllum, foliolis lanceolatis, inæqualibus; _interius_ tetraphyllum, flavescens, foliolis aduncis, spathulatis, summa inflata, callosa, acuminata, connivente. COROLLA teretiuscula, basi attenuata, ore obtuso, quadrifido, æquali, connivente. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria, corollæ subæqualia, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen subrotundum. Stylus filiformis, staminibus longior. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a Novembri in Aprilem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx et Bractea lente aucta. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossoms; which are numerous, on a close spike, nearly terminating the branches; leaves growing mostly by sixes. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, growing a foot high, upright, with numerous, crowded, undivided, and ascending branches. LEAVES growing mostly by sixes, sharp-pointed, spreading, and smooth, channelled underneath, and pressed to the stem by short foot-stalks. FLOWERS numerous, growing nearly at the end of branches, in hard close-set spikes; the lower part of a light yellow, the extremity of a light green. EMPALEMENT. Cup permanent, double; the _outer_ many-leaved, unequal, and spear-shaped; the _inner_ four-leaved, which are yellow, crooked, and spatula-shaped; their upper part hard, inflated, sharp-pointed, and tending to each other. BLOSSOM somewhat cylindrical, with a tapered base; the mouth blunt, and divided into a four-cleft, equal border, whose segments tend to each other. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, nearly of a length with the blossom, fixed into the receptacle. Tips bearded, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel roundish. Shaft thread-shaped, and longer than the threads. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from November till April. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement with the Blossom. 2. The Empalement and Floral-leaves magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA spuria. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; stylo exserto; corollis sub-cylindricis, dilute purpureis; laciniis revolutis; floribus terminalibus, sub-quaternis; foliis quaternis, sub-ciliatis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus; ramuli numerosi, sub-erecti. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, sub-ciliata, subtus sulcata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in apicibus ramulorum sessiles, sub-quaterni; pedunculi brevissimi, bracteis tribus minutis instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, carinatis, adpressis. COROLLA sub-cylindrica, pollicaris, dilute purpurea; laciniis sub-ovatis, acutis, revolutis; ore parum arctato. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, corollâ breviora; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen ovatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Aprili in Augustum. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom; shaft without; blossoms nearly cylindrical, of a light purple; segments of the border rolled back; flowers terminate the smaller branches, mostly by fours; leaves grow by fours, a little hairy at the edges. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows a foot high, and branching; the small branches are numerous, and nearly upright. LEAVES grow by fours, are linear, a little hairy, furrowed beneath; with very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow at the end of the small branches, generally by fours, and sitting close upon them; footstalks very short, having three very small floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup of four leaves, which are awl-shaped, keeled, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM nearly cylindrical, an inch long, and of a light purple; segments of the border nearly egg-shaped, sharp-pointed, and rolled back; the mouth a little narrowed. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, shorter than the blossom; tips beardless, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud egg-shaped and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from the month of April till August. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA taxifolia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA antheris muticis, inclusis; floribus spicato-umbellatis, terminalibus; corolla ventricosa, ore arctata, calyce colorato, fere tecta, limbo patente; foliis rigidis, ternis, trigonis, mucronatis, sexsariam imbricatis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, erectus, ramosissimus; rami et ramuli patento-erecti, valde cicatrisati. FOLIA terna, trigona, glabra, linearia, rigida, mucronata, sexsariam imbricata; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES in apicibus ramulorum umbellati, numerosi, erecti; pedunculi colorati, longitudine corollarum; bracteæ duæ supra medium pedunculi, tertia vero ad basin. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis ovatis, mucronatis, concavis, membranaceis, coloratis, longitudine sere corollæ. COROLLA ventricosa, ore arctata, carnea; laciniis patentibus, mucronatis, semi ovatis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria, curvata. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, flavæ. PISTILLUM. Germen subrotundum, sulcatum. Stylus inclusus, filiformis. Stigma peltato-tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Augusti, in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Corolla. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 6. Pistillum, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH with beardless tips, within the blossom; the flowers terminate the branches in umbels, forming a spike; blossom swelled at the base, pinched in at the top, and almost covered by a coloured cup, with the border spreading; leaves grow by threes, harsh, three-sided, sharp-pointed, and tiled in six divisions round the stem. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, upright, very branching; the larger and smaller branches grow spreading, and upright, and are very much notched. LEAVES grow by threes, three-sided, smooth, linear, harsh, sharp-pointed, and tiled in six divisions; with very short foot-stalks, pressed to the branches. FLOWERS grow at the ends of the small branches in umbels, numerous and upright; foot-stalks coloured, the length of the blossoms; two floral leaves upon the middle of the foot-stalk, and the third at its base. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, leaflets egg-shaped, pointed, concave, skinny, and coloured, nearly the length of the blossom. BLOSSOM swelled at the base, narrowed at the mouth, and flesh coloured; segments spreading, pointed, and half egg-shaped. CHIVES. Threads eight, hair-like, and curved. Tips beardless, within the blossom, and yellow. POINTAL. Seed-bud roundish, and furrowed. Shaft within the blossom, and thread-shaped. Summit between shield and four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August till November. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Blossom. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one Tip magnified. 6. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA tubiflora. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, sub-exsertis, floribus sub-solitariis, sessilibus, terminalibus; corollis clavato-cylindricis, curvatis, pubescentibus; foliis quaternis, tenuibus, ciliatis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS flexibilis, erectus, superne tomentosus; rami sparsi, filiformes, frequentes, villosi; ramuli frequentissimi brevissimi. FOLIA quaterna, tenuia, obtusa, ciliata, subtus sulcata. FLORES sessiles, in ramulis terminates, sub-solitarii, patenti, racemum quasi formantes longum. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis spathulatis, ciliatis, pedunculis fere nullis, bracteis tribus adpressis. COROLLA clavata, curvata, villosa, carnea oris laciniis acutis, reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria. Antheræ muticæ, sub-exsertæ. PISTILLUM. Germen pedicillatum, sub-globosum, profunde sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, apice curvatus, exsertus. Stigma obsolete tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium, auctum. 2. Calyx. 3. Calyx, auctus. 4. Corolla. 5. Stamina, et Pistillum, anthera una lente aucta. 6. Pistillum. 7. Pistillum, auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossom; flowers grow mostly singly at the end of the branches; blossoms between club and cylindar-shaped, curved and downy; leaves grow by fours, thin and fringed with hairs. DESCRIPTION. STEM flexible, upright, and downy at the upper part; branches scattered, thread shaped, numerous and hairy, the smaller branches are very numerous and very short. LEAVES grow by fours, are thin, blunt, fringed with hair at the edges, and furrowed beneath. FLOWERS sit close upon the ends of the small branches, mostly solitary, and spreading, appearing like a long bunch. EMPALEMENT. Cup four leaves, leaflets spatula-shape and fringed, with scarce any foot-stalks; three floral leaves pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM club-shaped, curved, hairy and flesh-coloured; the segments of the border pointed, and reflexed. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads. Tips beardless, and just without the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud growing on a foot-stalk nearly globular, and deeply furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, curved at the end, and without the blossom. Summit obscurely four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April till July. REFERENCE. 1. A Leaf, magnified. 2. The Empalement. 3. The Empalement, magnified. 4. The Blossom. 5. The Chives, and Pointal, one tip magnified. 6. The Pointal. 7. The Pointal, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA ventricosa. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris basi bicornibus inclusis; corollis oblongo-ovatis, ventricosis, glabris; foliis quaternis ciliatis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, semipedalis, teres, crassiusculus, ramosissimus, ramis recurvato-adscendentibus. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, acuta, basi recurvata, apice adscendentia, ciliata, supra plana, subtus revoluta, nitida, petiolis brevissimis adpressis. FLORES terminales, plures, fastigiati, erecti; pedunculi purpurei, basi instructa bracteis binis, parvis, oppositis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum foliolis erectis, carinatis, ciliatis. COROLLA oblongo-ovata, apice arctata, limbo æquali, quadrilobo, subreflexo, albo-purpurascens, glabra, nitida. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, corollæ subæqualia, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ inclusæ, parvæ, bifidæ, basi bicornes. PISTILLUM. Germen, oblongum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, filamentis æqualis; stigma sub-tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Aprili ad Septembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, et Bractea lente aucta. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with tips two-horned at their base, included within blossoms of an oblong-ovate form, inflated and smooth; leaves ciliate, growing by fours. DESCRIPTION. THE STEM shrubby, about half a foot high, cylindrical, thickish, very much branched, the branches bend downward, then ascend. LEAVES growing by fours, linear, pointed with a recurved base, and an ascending point, ciliate, flat on their upper, and rolled back on their under, surface, shining, the leaf-stems very short, and pressed to the branches. FLOWERS terminal, numerous, upright, level, and in bunches; the footstalks purple, having two small opposite floral leaves at their base. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, erect, keel-shaped, and ciliate. BLOSSOM of an oblong-ovate form, narrowed toward the top, with a slightly reflexed border, of a whitish purple, smooth, and shining. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, nearly of a length with the blossomed, fixed into the receptacle. Tips within the blossom small, cleft, and two-horned at their base. POINTAL. Seed-vessel oblong and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, of an equal length with the threads. Summit nearly four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. In bloom from April till September. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement with the Blossom. 2. The Empalement and Floral-leaf magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal, one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA verticillata. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris aristatis, inclusis; corollis pollicaribus, cernuis, ventricoso-cylindracis, saturate rubris, pedunculis longissimis; foliis quaternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, bipedalis, basi simplicissimus, rami verticillati, subsimplices, erecto-patentes. FOLIA quaterna, glabra, lineari, acuta, subtus sulcata, recta. FLORES in apicibus ramorum verticillati, nutantes, conferti; pedunculi longissimi, bracteis tribus ad basin instructi. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lato-ovatis, acuminatis, apice dilute rubris, basi viridis. COROLLA ventricoso-cylindrica, pollicaris, ad basin-tetragona, profunde costata; ore arctata, tenuissime laciniata; saturate rubentia. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen globosum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis longitudine corollæ. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Julii, in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, lente auctus. 3. Stamina, et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta, anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with bearded tips, within the blossoms, which are an inch long, hanging downward, of the shape of an inflated cylinder, deep red, and very long foot-stalks; leaves growing by fours. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, grows two feet high, simple at the bottom, the branches growing in whorls, nearly simple, upright, and spreading. LEAVES grow by fours, smooth, linear, sharp-pointed, furrowed on the under part, and growing straight out from the stem. FLOWERS grow in whorls, at the upper part of the branches, hanging downward, and close together, with long foot-stalks, that have three floral leaves just at their base. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are of a broad-oval shape, sharp-pointed, the upper part of a light red, the bottom of a green colour. BLOSSOM is of a swelled-cylindrical shape, an inch long, four-cornered at the base, and deeply ribbed; the mouth is narrowed, and very slightly cut; of a deep red colour. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; the tips are bearded, and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel round, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, the length of the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July, till November. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Chives, and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA versicolor. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, subinclusis; stylo exserto; corollis subcylindraceis, costatis, variè coloratis; foliis ternis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, attenuatus in apicem; ramis simplicibus. FOLIA terna, linearia, subulata, supra plana, subtus sulcata, glabra, saturate viridia; petiolis brevissimis, adpressis. FLORES plures, subcernui, tres quatuorve ramuli terminantes prope caulis summitatem; pedunculi brevissimi. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, _interius_ tetraphyllum, foliolis aurantiis, apice sulcatis, adpressis; _exterius_ triphyllum, priori brevior, apice virescens. COROLLA subcylindracea, medio paulula arctata, costata, ima parte aurantia, apice virescens; laciniis reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, ima parte spathulata, summa linearia, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, subinclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen orbiculatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum, virescens. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Octobris, in Aprilem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; et stamen unum lente auctum. 5. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH with beardless tips, just within the blossom, the pointal without; the blossoms are nearly cylindrical, ribbed, and variously coloured; leaves grow by threes. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows two feet high, erect, tapering to the top; the branches are nearly simple. LEAVES grow by threes, linear, awl-shaped, flat on the upper, and furrowed on the under surface, smooth, and of a deep green; with very short foot-stalks pressed to the branches. The FLOWERS are numerous, bending a little downward, terminating the small branches by threes or fours, near the top of the stem; the foot-stalks being very short. EMPALEMENT. The Cup is double, the _inner_ is four-leaved, which are orange-coloured, furrowed at the point, and pressed to the blossom; the _outer_ is three-leaved, shorter than the inner, and greenish at the point. The BLOSSOM is nearly cylindrical, a little narrowed at the middle, ribbed, the lower part orange colour, the mouth greenish, whose segments are reflexed. CHIVES. Eight threads, whose lower parts are spatula-shaped, and upper linear, fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, and almost within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel globe-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered and greenish. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from October, till April. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement, and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip with its thread, magnified. 5. The Shaft, and its Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA vestita alba. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, sub-inclusis; folia sena, tremulenta, linearia, conferta, attenuata in petiolos capillares; floribus clavatis, albidis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS tripedalis, laxus, erectus, basi simplicissimus, ramis simplicibus adscendentibus. FOLIA sena, conferta, glabra, linearia, tremulenta, subtus sulcata, attenuata in petioles capillares semiunguiculares. FLORES in ramulis verticillati, erecto-patentes; pedunculis brevibus bracteis tribus instructis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis, adpressis, glabris, viscosis. COROLLA clavata, pollicaris, alba, pubescens; oris laciniis patentibus. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ muticæ, subinclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, summum pilis longis coronatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mense Julii in Decembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucti. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, just within the blossoms; leaves grow by sixes, are tremulous, linear, and crowded together, tapering into hair-like foot-stalks; the flowers are club-shaped, and white. DESCRIPTION. STEM grows three feet high, loose and upright, simple at the base, with simple ascending branches. LEAVES grow by sixes, crowded together, smooth, linear, tremulous, furrowed underneath, and tapering into hair-like foot-stalks a quarter of an inch in length. FLOWERS grow in whorls upon the smaller branches, upright, and spreading; with short foot-stalks having three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are awl-shaped, pressed to the blossom, smooth, and clammy. BLOSSOM club-shaped, an inch long, white and downy, the segments of the mouth are spread outward. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, tips beardless, and just within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel turban-shaped, the top-being crowned with long hairs. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July till December. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA vestita purpurea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, subexsertis; foliis senis, linearibus, tremulentibus, attenuata in petiolos capillares, semiunguiculares; floribus axillaribus, clavatis, purpureis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, basi simplicissimus, dein verticillatim ramosus, ramis simplicibus, adscendentibus. FOLIA sena, linearia, tremulanta, acuta, glabra, subtus leviter sulcata, attenuata in petiolos capillares, semiunguiculares. FLORES in ramulis mediis verticillati, recti; pedunculis brevibus, bracteis tribus instructis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis lanciolatis, basi serratis, viridis, glabris. COROLLA clavata, pollicaria, obtusa, recta, purpurea, ore arctato, limbo quadrifido, reflexo. STAMINA. Filamenta octo, capillaria, receptaculo inserta. Antheræ muticæ, subexsertæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, apice, pilis longis, plumosis, octofarium coronatum. Stylus filiformis, exsertus. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Julii in Januarium. REFERENTIA. 1. Folium unum cum petiolo. 2. Calyx et Corolla. 3. Calyx lente auctus. 4. Stamina et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una lente aucta. 6. Stylus et Stigma lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, almost without the blossom; leaves grow by sixes, linear, tremulous, and tapering into hair-like foot-stalks a quarter of an inch long; the flowers grow from the base of the leaves, are club-shaped, and purple. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows two feet high, and upright, simple at the base, then branching out from a whorl into simple ascending branches. LEAVES grow by sixes, are linear, tremulous, sharp-pointed, smooth, lightly furrowed on the under part, and tapering into hair-like leaf-stems a quarter of an inch in length. FLOWERS are in whorls about the middle of the branches, straight out, having short foot-stalks with three floral leaves. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are lance-shaped, sawed at the base, green, and smooth. BLOSSOM club-shaped, an inch long, blunt, straight, and purple, compressed at the mouth, with a four-lobed, reflexed border. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads fixed into the receptacle. Tips beardless, and nearly of a length with the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel turban-shaped, the top crowned by eight plumes of long hairs. Shaft thread-shaped, and without the blossom. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from July till January. REFERENCE. 1. A leaf with its foot-stalk. 2. The Empalement and Blossom. 3. The Empalement magnified. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 6. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA vestita coccinea. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, sub-exsertis; foliis senis, tremulis, linearibus, attenuatis in petiolos capillares; corollis clavatis, pollicaribus, coccineis. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS erectus, sesquipedalis, parum ramosus, ramulis simplicibus, foliis tectis. FOLIA sena, linearia, tremula, glabra, subtus sulcata, attenuata in petiolos capillares semiunguiculares. FLORES in ramulis mediis conferti, numerosi, erecto-patentes, pedunculis brevibus, bracteis tribus linearibus adpressis. CALYX. Perianthium tetraphyllum, foliolis subulatis adpressis glabris. COROLLA clavata, pollicaris, coccinea, oris laciniis revolutis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria, receptaculo inserta; antheris muticis, sub-exsertis. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, sulcatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spæi. Floret a mense Augusto in Novembrem. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx et Corolla. 2. Calyx lente auctus. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; antherâ unâ lente auctâ. 5. Stylus et Stigma lente aucti. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips just without the blossom; the leaves grow by sixes, are tremulous, linear, and taper into hair-like foot-stalks; the blossoms are club-shaped, an inch long, and deep scarlet. DESCRIPTION. STEM upright, grows a foot and a half high, branching but little; the smaller branches are simple, and covered with leaves. LEAVES grow by sixes, are linear, tremulous, smooth, furrowed underneath, and tapering into hair-like foot-stalks half an inch long. FLOWERS are clustered together about the middle of the branches, are numerous, spreading upwards, having short foot-stalks, with three linear floral leaves pressed to the cup. EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are awl-shaped, pressed to the blossom, and smooth. BLOSSOM club-shaped, an inch long, and of a deep scarlet colour; the segments of the mouth are rolled back. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads, fixed into the receptacle; tips beardless, and just without the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-vessel turban-shaped, and furrowed. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from August till November. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chives detached from the Pointal; one tip magnified. 5. The Shaft and its Summit magnified. [Illustration] ERICA viscaria. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, inclusis; corollis campanulatis, viscosis; floribus axillaribus, spicatis; calycibus foliaceis, duplicatis; foliis quaternis, linearibus, glabris. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus; rami et ramuli simplices, longi, laxi, superne viscosi. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, acuta, glabra, juniora in apicibus ramulis viscosa; petiolis adpressis. FLORES spicati in medio ramulorum, patentes, axillares; pedunculi brevissimi. CALYX. Perianthium duplex; foliolis rudibus, viscosis, adpressis, marginibus glandulosis. COROLLA campanulata, valde mucosa, purpurascens, semiquadrifida; laciniis reflexis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo linearia. Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen globosum. Stylus inclusus, filiformis. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Aprili, in Julium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx, et Corolla. 2. Calyx, auctus. 3. Corolla. 4. Stamina, et Pistillum. 5. Stamina a Pistillo diducta. 6. Stamen unum, auctum. 7. Stylus, et Stigma, lente aucta. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, within the blossoms, which are bell-shaped, and clammy; the flowers grow from the foot-stalks of the leaves close to the branches forming close spikes; the cups are like the leaves of the plant, and are double; the leaves grow by fours, are linear and smooth. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, grows two feet high, and upright; the larger and smaller branches are simple, long, loose and clammy at the ends. LEAVES grow by fours, are linear, pointed, and smooth, the younger ones are clammy at the ends of the branches; foot-stalks pressed to the stem. FLOWERS grow in spikes about the middle of the branches, spreading out, and growing from the foot-stalks of the leaves; the foot-stalks very short. EMPALEMENT. Cup double; the leaves unequal, clammy and pressed to the blossom, with small glands on their margins. BLOSSOM bell shaped, very clammy, purple, half way cleft into four, the segments bent back. CHIVES. Eight linear threads. Tips beardless and within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud globular. Shaft within the blossom and thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from April, till July. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement and Blossom. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Blossom. 4. The Chives, and Pointal. 5. The Chives detached from the Pointal. 6. A Chive, magnified. 7. The Shaft and Summit, magnified. [Illustration] ERICA Walkeria. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ERICA, antheris muticis, sub-inclusis, foliis quaternis, linearibus, glabris; floribus sessilibus, erectis, quaternis, terminalibus; calycis foliola margine membranacea, serrato-lacera. DESCRIPTIO. CAULIS fruticosus, spithamæus, erectus, ramosus; ramuli frequentissimi, suberecti. FOLIA quaterna, linearia, glabra, crassiuscula, nitida, patentia; petiolis brevissimis. FLORES sessiles, erecti, fastigiati, quaterni, terminales; fere pedunculati. CALYX. Perianthium duplex, exterius triphyllum, foliolis subulatis, marginibus membranaceis, serrato-laceris; interius tetraphyllum, foliolis longioribus, apicibus carneis, adpressis. COROLLA ventricosa, pellucida, ore arctata, extus pallide sanguinea, intus alba; laciniis sub-cordatis, expansis, maximis. STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. PISTILLUM. Germen turbinatum, læviter sulcatum. Stylus subexsertus, filiformis. Stigma tetragonum. Habitat ad Caput Bonæ Spei. Floret a mensi Februarii in Junium. REFERENTIA. 1. Calyx lente auctus. 2. Corolla. 3. Stamina et Pistillum. 4. Stamen unum lente auctum. 5. Pistillum lente auctum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. HEATH, with beardless tips, just within the blossom; leaves grow by fours, linear, and smooth; flowers sit close upon the ends of the branches, upright, and by fours; the leaves of the cup are skinny at the edge, and sawed as if torn. DESCRIPTION. STEM shrubby, a span high, upright, and branching; smaller branches numerous, and nearly upright. LEAVES grow by fours, linear, smooth, thickish, shining, and spreading out; with very short footstalks. FLOWERS sit close in upright bunches, by fours, on the ends of the branches; scarce any footstalks. EMPALEMENT. Cup double, the outer three-leaved, which are awl-shaped, having the edges skinny, and sawed as if torn; the inner has four leaves, which are longer than the others; the points flesh-coloured, and pressed to the blossom. BLOSSOM bellied out, and pellucid, the mouth narrowed, without a pale red, white within; the segments nearly heart-shaped, spreading, and very large. CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; tips beardless, within the blossom. POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped, slightly furrowed. Shaft just without the blossom, and thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Flowers from February till June. REFERENCE. 1. The Empalement magnified. 2. The Blossom. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Chive magnified. 5. The Pointal magnified. [Illustration] ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE FIGURES IN VOL. I. 1. Erica Aitonia. 2. .... albens. 3. .... ampullacea. 4. .... baccans. 5. .... Banksia. 6. .... bruniades. 7. .... caffra. 8. .... calycina. 9. .... campanulata. 10. .... capitata. 11. .... cerinthoides. 12. .... cernua. 13. .... coccinea. 14. .... conspicua. 15. .... coronata. 16. .... costata. 17. .... cruenta. 18. .... cubica. 19. .... curviflora. 20. .... discolor. 21. .... droseroides. 22. .... exsurgens. 23. .... flexuosa. 24. .... glauca. 25. .... glutinosa. 26. .... grandiflora. 27. .... imbricata. 28. .... incarnata. 29. .... jasminiflora. 30. .... lateralis. 31. .... Leea. 32. .... lutea. 33. .... mammosa. 34. .... marifolia. 35. .... margaritacea. 36. .... Massonia. 37. Erica melastoma. 38. .... monadelphia. 39. .... mucosa. 40. .... Muscaria. 41. .... nigrita. 42. .... obliqua. 43. .... Patersonia. 44. .... Petiveriana. 45. .... physodes. 46. .... pinea. 47. .... β Plukenetia _nana_. 48. .... pubescens. 49. .... pulchella. 50. .... purpurea. 51. .... pyramidalis. 52. .... radiata. 53. .... ramentacea. 54. .... retorta. 55. .... Sebana _aurantia_. 56. .... β .... _lutea_. 57. .... γ ...... _viridis_. 58. .... serratifolia. 59. .... setacea. 60. .... sordida. 61. .... spicata. 62. .... spuria. 63. .... taxifolia. 64. .... tubiflora. 65. .... ventricosa. 66. .... verticillata. 67. .... versicolor. 68. .... vestita _alba_. 69. ... β ..... _purpurea_. 70. ... γ ..... _coccinea_. 71. .... viscaria. 72. .... Walkeria. SYSTEMATICAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE LXXII ERICAS, OR HEATHS, CONTAINED IN VOL. I. Taken from the shape of the tips, and the number of leaves which surround the stem in one whorle ANTHERÆ ARISTATÆ. TIPS BEARDED. _Foliis ternis._ _Leaves by threes._ E. marifolia Marum-leaved, H. .. pulchella Whipcord-like. .. discolor Two-coloured. _Foliis quaternis._ _Leaves by fours._ .. caffra Caffrean. .. pubescens Downy. .. mucosa Mucous-flowered. .. verticillata Whorled-flowered. .. mammosa Teat-like-flowered. .. cruenta Bloody. .. Patersonia Paterson. _Foliis senis._ _Leaves by sixes._ .. spicata Spike-flowered. _Foliis octonis._ _Leaves by eights._ .. coronata coronet-flowered. ANTHERÆ CRISTATÆ. TIPS CRESTED. _Foliis sparsis._ _Leaves scattered._ .. droseroides Sun-dew-leaved. _Foliis ternis._ _Leaves by threes._ .. calycina Large-cupped. .. glauca Sea-green. _Foliis quaternis._ _Leaves by fours._ .. ramentacea Slender-branched. .. margaritacea Pearl-flowered. .. lateralis Lateral-flowered. .. incarnata Flesh-coloured. .. cernua Nodding-flowered. .. baccans Arbutus-flowered. .. physodes Bead-flowered. ANTHERÆ BICORNUTÆ. TIPS TWO-HORNED. _Foliis sparsis._ _Leaves scattered._ .. obliqua Irregular-leaved. _Foliis ternis._ _Leaves by threes._ .. setacea Bristly-leaved. .. Aitonia Aiton. .. jasminiflora Jasmine-flowered. _Foliis quaternis._ _Leaves by fours._ .. cubica Square-flowered. .. ventricosa Bellied. .. ampullacea Flask. .. conspicua Long-yellow-flowered. ANTHERÆ MUTICÆ. TIPS BEARDLESS. _Foliis oppositis._ _Leaves opposite._ E. lutea Small yellow, H. _Foliis ternis._ _Leaves by threes._ .. nigrita Black-tipped. .. flexuosa Zig-Zag-branched. .. imbricata Tiled-cup. .. taxifolia Yew-leaved. .. albens Whitish-flowered. .. bruniades Brunia-like-flowered. .. capitata Woolly-headed. .. versicolor Various-coloured. .. costata Ribbed-flowered. _Foliis quaternis._ _Leaves by fours._ .. Muscaria Musk-Hyacinth-smelling. .. Walkeria Walker. .. viscaria Viscous. .. campanulata Bell-flowered. .. pyramidalis Pyramidal. .. radiata Raied-flowered. .. retorta Filligrane-leaved. .. serratifolia Sawed-leaved. .. coccinea Deep-red-flowered. .. cerinthoides Honey-wort-flowered. .. Massonia Masson. .. tubiflora Tube-flowered. .. curviflora Curve-flowered. .. spuria Rolling-pin-flowered. .. sordida Dirty-flowered. .. grandiflora Large-flowered. .. exsurgens Ever-flowering. _Foliis scenis._ _Leaves by sixes._ .. purpurea Purple-flowered. .. Leea Lee. .. glutinosa Clammy. .. pinea Pine-leaved. .. vestita _alba_ White tremulous. β ..... _purpurea_ Purple tremulous. γ ..... _coccinea_ Scarlet tremulous. ANTHERÆ PENICILLATÆ. TIPS PENCILLED. _Foliis ternis._ _Leaves by threes._ .. Monadelphia Columnar-threaded. .. Banksia Banks. β Plukenetia, _nana_ β Plunkenet, _dwarf_. .. melastoma Black-mouthed. .. Petiveriana Petiver-like. .. Sebana, _aurantia_ α Seba, _orange_. β ....., _lutea_ β ..., _yellow_. γ ....., _viridis_ γ ..., _green_. GENERAL LIST OF HEATHS CULTIVATED BY _Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammersmith, in 1802_. ERICA. | 1 | 2 | 3 || 1. absynthoides | g | r | p || 2. Aitonia | d |l,b| s || 3. albens | g |s,b| p || 4. ampullacea | d |l,b| s || 5. arborea | m | r | l || 6. β ... squarrosa | m | r | l || 7. γ ... ramosa | m | r | l || 8. Archeria | d | l | s || 9. arctata | g | r | l || 10. articularis | g | r | l || 11. assurgens | g | r | p || 12. aulacea | g | r | p || 13. australis | m | r | l || 14. axillaris | g | r | p || 15. baccans | g | r | p || 16. Banksia | g | l |p,l|| 17. β ... purpurea | g | l |p,l|| 18. Blæria | g | r | p || 19. β ... rubra | g | r | p || 20. bracteata | g | r | p || 21. bruniades | g | r | p || 22. caffra | g | r | l || 23. calycina | g | r | s || 24. campanulata | g | r | p || 25. canescens | d | r | l || 26. capitata | g | r | p || 27. β ... minor | g | r | p || 28. carinata | d | b | s || 29. carnea | h | r | p || 30. cerinthoides | g | l | p || 31. β ... elatiora | g | l | p || 32. cernua | d | r |l,p|| 33. ciliaris | m | r | p || 34. cinerea | h | r | p || 35. β ... alba | h | r | p || 36. coccinea | g | l | l || 37. comosa | g |s,b| p || 38. β ... alba | g |s,b| p || 39. concolor | g | l | l || 40. concinna | g | l | l || 41. conspicua | g | l | l || 42. coronata | d | l | s || 43. corifolia | g | r | p || 44. costata | g | l |l,p|| 45. corymbosa | g | r | p || 46. cruenta | g | l | p || 47. β ... nana | g | l | p || 48. cubica | d | r | s || 49. cupressoides | d | l | s || 50. curviflora | g | l | p || 51. Dabœcii | h | r | p || 52. daphneflora | g |s,b| l || 53. β ... alba | g |s,b| l || 54. declinata | g | r | p || 55. denticulata | g |s,b| l || 56. densifolia | g | l | p || 57. depressa | g | l | p || 58. discolor | g | l | l || 59. divaricata | g | r | p || 60. droseroides | d |s,b|l,p|| 61. elata | g | l | p || 62. elongata | g | l | p || 63. empetrifolia | g | r |l,p|| 64. empetroides | g | r |l,p|| 65. β ... alba | g | r |l,p|| 66. enneaphylla | d | l | s || 67. erecta | g | l | p || 68. exsurgens | d | l | l || 69. β ... lutea | d | l | l || 70. expansa | g | r |l,p|| 71. fastigiata | g |s,b| p || 72. flammea | d | l | p || 73. flexuosa | g | r | p || 74. florida | g | r | p || 75. florabunda | g | r | l || 76. foliosa | g | l | l || 77. formosa | d | l | l || 78. fucata | m | r | p || 79. fulva | g | l | l || 80. gelida | g | l | l || 81. glauca | d |s,b| s || 82. glomerata | g | r | p || 83. glutinosa | d | l | s || 84. grandiflora | g | l | p || 85. halicacaba | g |l,b|l,p|| 86. hirta | g | r | p || 87. hispida | g | r | p || 88. hybrida | g | l | p || 89. ignescens | g | l | p || 90. imbricata | g | r | l || 91. imbecilla | g | r | p || 92. β ... stricta | m | r | p || 93. incarnata | g | r | p || 94. inaperta | d | l | l || 95. incana | d | r | s || 96. inflata | d |l,b| s || 97. jasminiflora | d |l,b| s || 98. lachnœa | d | r | s || 99. lateralis | g | r | p || 100. lævis | g | r | p || 101. β ... alba | g | r | p || 102. Leea | d | l | l || 103. leucanthera | g | r | l || 104. Linnæa | g | l | p || 105. β ... incarnata | g | l | p || 106. lutea | g |s,b| s || 107. β ... palida | g |s,b| s || 108. magnifica | d |l,b| s || 109. mammosa | g | l | p || 110. β ... minor | g | l | p || 111. γ ... tardiva | g | l | p || 112. margaritacea | g | r | p || 113. marifolia | g | r |p,l|| 114. Massonia | d | l | s || 115. γ Massonia grossa d | l | s | s || 116. mediterranea | m | r | p || 117. melastoma | g | l | l || 118. mellifera | g | r | p || 119. micranthos | g | r | p || 120. minima | g | r | p || 121. molissima | g | l | p || 122. monadelphia | g | l | s || 123. Monsoniana | g | l | p || 124. mucosa | g | r | l || 125. multiflora | m | r | p || 126. Muscaria | g |s,b|p,l|| 127. nigrita | g | r |p,l|| 128. Nivenia | d |s,b| s || 129. nudiflora | d | r | s || 130. obbata | d |l,b| s || 131. obcordata | g | r |p,l|| 132. obliqua | d | r | s || 133. paniculata | d | r | p || 134. parviflora | g | r | p || 135. Patersonia | g | l |p,l|| 136. β ... coccinea | g | l |p,l|| 137. patens | g | r | p || 138. pedunculata | g | r | l || 139. pendula | g | r | p || 140. penicillata | g | l | s || 141. β ... alba | g | l | s || 142. persoluta | g | r | p || 143. β ... alba | g | r | p || 144. γ ... conferta | g | r | p || 145. perspicua | g | l | p || 146. Petiveria | g | l | l || 147. petiveriana | g | l | l || 148. β ... aurantia | g | l | l || 149. petiolata | g | r |p,l|| 150. phylicoides | g | r | p || 151. physodes | g | r | s || 152. β ... minor | g | r | s || 153. pilosa | g | r | p || 154. pilulifera | g | r | p || 155. pinea | g | l | l || 156. pinifolia | g | l | l || 157. pinastri | g | l | l || 158. planifolia | g | r | p || 159. plumosa | g | r |s,p|| 160. Plukenetii | g | l | s || 161. β ... nana | g | l | s || 162. pregnans | g |l,b|s,l|| 163. pubescens | g | r | p || 164. β ... minor | g | r | p || 165. γ ... minima | g | r | p || 166. pulchella | g | r |p,l|| 167. purpurea | d | l | l || 168. pyramidalis | d | r | p || 169. pyrolæflora | g | r | p || 170. quadriflora | d | r | p || 171. quadrata | g | r | l || 172. radiata | d | l | s || 173. β ... laxa | d | l | s || 174. ramentacea | g | r | p || 175. regerminans | g | r | p || 176. retorta | d |l,b| s || 177. β ... minor | d |l,b| s || 178. rigida | g | r | s || 179. rosea | d | l | l || 180. rubens | g | r | p || 181. sambucæflora | g | l | p || 182. scoparia | m | r | p || 183. Sebana aurantia | g | l |l,p|| 184. β ... lutea | g | l |l,p|| 185. γ ... viridis | g | l |l,p|| 186. δ ... fusca | g | l |l,p|| 187. serratifolia | d | l | l || 188. sessiliflora | g | l | s || 189. setacea | g | r | p || 190. sexfaria | d | r | s || 191. simpliciflora | d | l | p || 192. sordida | g | l | p || 193. spicata | g | l | l || 194. spumosa | g | r | p || 195. spuria | g | l | p || 196. stricta | m | r | p || 197. taxifolia | d |s,b| l || 198. tenella | d |s,b| p || 199. tetragona | g | r |l,p|| 200. Tetralix | h | r | p || 201. β ... alba | h | r | p || 202. thymifolia | d | r | p || 203. triflora | g | r | p || 204. β ... rubra | g | r | p || 205. tubiflora | g | l | p || 206. β ... fissa | g | l | p || 207. vagans | h | r | p || 208. β ... alba | h | r | p || 209. ventricosa | g |l,b|l,p|| 210. versicolor | g | l |l,p|| 211. verticillata | g | l |l,p|| 212. β ... tenuiora | g | l |l,p|| 213. vestita alba | d | l | s || 214. β ... purpurea | d | l | s || 215. β ... coccinea | d | l | s || 216. δ ... incarnata | d | l | s || 217. virgata | g | r | p || 218. viridi-purpurea | m | r | p || 219. viscaria | g | r |l,p|| 220. β ... stricta | g | r |l,p|| 221. vulgaris | h | r | p || 222. β ... alba | h | r | p || 223. γ ... plena | h | r | p || 224. Uhria | g | l |l,p|| 225. umbellata | m | r | p || 226. γ ... alba | m | r | p || 227. urceolaris | g | r |l,p|| 228. Walkeria | g |s,b|l,p|| _Explanation of the Letters in the three Columns marked 1, 2, 3._ Col. 1st indicates their proper situation in winter, given for the vicinity of the Metropolis: d, dry-stove, or good airy greenhouse; g, greenhouse; m, half-hardy, and h, hardy. Col. 2d points at the shape of the blossom; by l, is designed long; r, round, or approaching; l,b and s,b, long or short, and bellied. Col. 3d shews by the letters l,p, and s, whether loam, peat, or sand, or what mixture of them, is the soil most proper for the propagation, of each. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK COLOURED ENGRAVINGS OF HEATHS; VOL. 1 ***