The attribute associated with the edge
The attribute associated with the edge
The destination vertex attribute
The vertex id of the target vertex
The vertex id of the target vertex
Given one vertex in the edge return the other vertex.
Given one vertex in the edge return the other vertex.
the id one of the two vertices on the edge
the attribute for the other vertex on the edge
Given one vertex in the edge return the other vertex.
Given one vertex in the edge return the other vertex.
the id one of the two vertices on the edge.
the id of the other vertex on the edge.
Return the relative direction of the edge to the corresponding vertex.
Return the relative direction of the edge to the corresponding vertex.
the id of one of the two vertices in the edge.
the relative direction of the edge to the corresponding vertex.
Set the edge properties of this triplet.
Set the edge properties of this triplet.
The source vertex attribute
The vertex id of the source vertex
The vertex id of the source vertex
Get the vertex object for the given vertex in the edge.
Get the vertex object for the given vertex in the edge.
the id of one of the two vertices on the edge
the attr for the vertex with that id
An edge triplet represents an edge along with the vertex attributes of its neighboring vertices.
the type of the vertex attribute.
the type of the edge attribute